You Need Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Carbon on its own is safe and even vital to life. On the other hand, when something breaks down to form molecules of one carbon atom combined with one oxygen atom, this creates a substance that is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and toxic. No, not Iocane powder, though carbon and oxygen combined could also defeat someone in a battle of wits. Rather, it forms a gas known as carbon monoxide (CO).

The Silent Killer

When someone inhales carbon monoxide, it displaces the oxygen in the victim’s body, which can lead to oxygen deprivation and death. Since people can’t detect carbon monoxide on their own and it’s easy to confuse the symptoms of CO poisoning with flu symptoms, it has earned the nickname ” the silent killer.” You may not know you have carbon monoxide poisoning until it’s too late.
The first step of combating a danger is to know where it comes from. In the case of carbon monoxide, it’s more common than you may think. CO is a byproduct of combustion, so anything that uses combustion as an energy source can produce CO. If you have any gas-powered appliances, indoor fireplaces, a gas furnace, or a gas water heater, you have sources of CO in your home. Most of the time, these devices are safe, and vents carry any dangerous gasses out of the home, but if there’s a leak, you have a problem.

Protecting Your Home

If CO is undetectable to people, how do you know if there’s a leak? You get something that can detect it. The Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends installing carbon monoxide detectors on each floor of a residence and outside sleeping areas. When installing your detectors, it is commonly recommended to place them on a wall about five feet above the floor. Don’t install them near windows, in humid areas like a bathroom, in direct sunlight, or by fans and vents.

After you’ve installed your carbon monoxide detectors, they aren’t something you can set and forget. You will want to test and clean them regularly according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and it is generally recommended to change the batteries every six months. If you forget, your detector will beep to remind you. Some detectors have a different pattern for if the alert indicates a battery reminder or a leak warning. Learn how your detectors work so you can know the difference.


Your carbon monoxide detectors went off in the middle of the night, and it’s not the battery reminder sequence. There’s a CO leak. It’s what you wanted to protect yourself against but hoped you would never have to deal with. What do you do now?

1. Get all people and pets out of the house. This will ensure you are in a well-ventilated space with fresh air.
2. Call emergency services and report that the alarm has gone off.
3. Do not reenter the house until the emergency responders have declared the premise safe.

Four Smart Home Devices You Need to Make Your Home Safe for Kids


With the ability to change the color and texture of their skin, octopuses can expertly blend in with their surroundings. They are masters of evasion that can swim at speeds up to 25 mph in short bursts when they need to make a quick escape, and they can squeeze through spaces as small as an inch in diameter. They could be considered one of the most elusive creatures on Earth, though parents may argue that a small child bursting with energy is far more difficult to keep track of even when you devote your full attention to them.

It can be frustrating when we put so much into making sure our kids are well-cared for and safe, but it feels like they’re trying to be little masters of evasion so they can get into trouble. Luckily, there are technologies today that can help. If you have young children, here are four smart home devices you need to make your home safe for kids.

1. Door Sensors

After all that work you put into childproofing your house to make it safe for kids, you may find that your kids have figured out how to get past your cabinet locks. This probably won’t happen when they’re very young. However, they’re inevitably going to reach an age where they’re still young enough you don’t want them getting into the cleaning supplies, medicine cabinet, and other areas, but they’re old and clever enough that no child lock is going to be a hindrance.

When this time comes, you may want to install door sensors on the cabinets and doors to areas you’ve told your kids are a no-no. Then, when they get curious and go exploring while you’re not looking, you’ll get an alert that they’ve opened the cabinet or door, and you can intervene before they can cause any trouble.

2. Smart Locks

When your kids get old enough to come and go on their own, you may want to give them a way of getting in and out of the house on their own. That way, if you intended to return from the store before they get home from school but you’re stuck in traffic, they won’t be stuck out in the snow until you arrive to let them in. You could give them a house key, but chances are, they’ll forget to take it with them or they’ll lose it. As an easier, more reliable alternative, you could get a smart lock. Then, your kids don’t have to keep track of keys. you can simply give them a code that’s easy to remember, and they can use that.

Do you have a social butterfly who tends to be blabby? Chances are, you know they wouldn’t be able to keep code or secret no matter how much you emphasize the importance of not telling anyone, and you don’t want all their friends to have easy access to your house. In this case, you could get a smart lock with fingerprint recognition. These usually have a code option, too, but there’s no need to share the code with your kids. They can simply get in with their finger.

Another advantage of smart locks is that you don’t need to worry about if your kids remember to lock the door when they leave. Some smart locks have an auto-lock feature, and you can program the door to automatically lock after a set interval. If you don’t have a lock with an auto-lock feature, you may be able to manually check the app on your phone and lock the door remotely if you find the kids forgot.

3. Interior Cameras

Usually, we think of security cameras as a way of combating outside threats. They can also be a good way of making sure your family is safe while they’re inside the home. You can’t be in the same room as them all the time. Even if you could, you’d still need a break on occasion.

Maybe you get together with some friends for game night, and you send all the kids to play together in the playroom while the grownups play their tabletop RPG. While your party is fighting a dragon, you can check the cameras every now and then to make sure the kids aren’t fighting amongst themselves. On another occasion, you and your partner could be out for date night, and you’ve recently found a new babysitter. You could check the cameras here and there to make sure things are going okay at home.

4. Robotic Vacuum

Especially when kids are younger, they like putting things in their mouths. You don’t want them making a snack out of something bad they found on the ground before you can intervene. Instead, at the press of a button or a command to the voice assistant your robotic vacuum connects with, you can send your robotic vacuum to eliminate any small pebbles that got tracked into the house, those leaves your house plant dropped, and so forth before your kids find them.

You could vacuum manually, but a robotic vacuum saves you time when you’re already swamped. Plus, you won’t run into the dilemma of cleaning taking twice as long when your kids decide they want to help. Now, you’re not just vacuuming the floor. You’re dodging the kid who keeps running in front of the vacuum and minding the cord so your kids don’t trip on it. If you have a robotic vacuum, you can take your kids to a different part of the house and play with them while the vacuum does the work. Your kids are safe and out of the way of the vacuum, and you have one less chore to worry about.

The less you have to worry about, the more time you have to enjoy raising your family. They grow up fast, almost as fast as technology changes. For now, use the technology currently available to make your job as a parent easier and to keep your kids safer.

Maximize Productivity with These Home Office Hacks


Most of 2020 was a dumpster fire that we will not speak of, but it led to a notable trend in the workforce we will acknowledge, specifically the growing popularity of remote jobs and the increasing availability of remote positions. Recent studies have shown working from home to be more productive, especially if employees use strategies to maximize productivity. One of these is to ensure you have a good home office space. Perhaps you recently got a new remote position, or you have been remote for a while and are looking for ways of improving. Whatever the case, here are some life hacks on how to design a home office space that will maximize productivity.

1. Have a Separate Workspace

Our brains come to associate different places with different things, depending on what we use them for. When you’re working from home, blurring the lines can be tempting and problematic. You may find yourself thinking it would be more comfortable to work on your bed, but this area is associated with sleep rather than work, so you will be more inclined to get tired or have trouble concentrating. On the flip side, if you train yourself to work sitting on your bed, you may find yourself having a harder time sleeping at night since your brain will think it’s time to be awake and working.

What about curling up on the couch with your laptop, then? Well… That also might not be the best idea. Since couches are generally used for watching movies and other relaxing activities, your brain will think it’s time to relax and won’t want to focus on work. The kitchen table or counter? That could work, but you’ll likely find yourself wanting to snack throughout the day since you’re where you go when it’s time to eat.

So where can you work to maximize productivity? You will want to set up an area designated for work, but if you have limited space and don’t have an entire room to turn into a home office, you can use a room for multiple purposes. Just make sure there’s a separate space for each. Pick a corner in your bedroom, kitchen, or living room and set up a desk. If you’re very limited on space, folding tables are a great way of conserving space while still giving yourself a separate workspace.

2. Get Comfortable

You don’t have to be on a cozy couch to be comfortable during your workday. Invest in a good chair, and keep ergonomics in mind. You may even want to look into a standing desk if you see yourself doing better when you aren’t sitting as much. If needed, get a taller computer monitor or a stand for your existing one. Your neck will thank you if the screen is at eye level.

After you have your basic setup, consider lighting. You will want your space to be well-lit and to maximize natural lighting. Not only will this help you better stay alert throughout the day, but it will also help you sleep better at night.

You will also want to ensure you are working in a comfortable temperature. Most studies agree that temperature affects productivity, but few agree on what the ideal temperature for productivity should be, so determine what works best for you. If you find yourself needing to change the temperature during the day and you have a smart thermostat, you won’t need to step away from your work to adjust it. You can quickly do so from the app on your phone and then get back to what you were doing.

3. Minimize Distractions

Another smart home hack to maximize productivity would be to get a video doorbell as a way of minimizing distractions. Without a video doorbell, when you hear the door ring on a day you’re expecting a food delivery, you will be inclined to step away from your work to answer the door. Then, when you find out it’s not the DoorDash driver but a solicitor, you have to politely get them to go away before you can go back to your workspace and resume what you were doing. It’s a hassle and takes up time you could be using more productively. With a video doorbell, when the doorbell rings, you can quickly check to see if it’s something you need to take a brief break for or if you can ignore it and resume.

You may find yourself contending with other external distractions if you live in a loud area or aren’t the only person home during the day. Unwanted noise can make it difficult for you to concentrate on your work, but it can often be decreased or eliminated using sound-reducing panels or noise-canceling headphones.

You don’t have to work in a bland, quiet area to maximize productivity, though. Get some tunes going if you’ve found that helps you and it works for your job, and feel free to add some decorations to personalize your workspace. However, you will want to avoid clutter, which can draw your attention and distract you from your work. Consider getting a few plants. These are great decorations that will improve productivity in addition to air quality.

After you’ve designed a home office space to improve the quality of your workday, don’t be afraid to add or change things down the road. It’s your workspace, so make it yours.

Have More Fun This Season with These Four Winter Activities

Light is a common tradition among winter holidays and festivals—the lights on a Christmas tree, the candles on a menorah or kinara, Bodhi Day string lights, and Yule logs, to name a few. Perhaps this is in part because, in the darkest months of the year, people have wanted to add light. As we enter what are also the coldest months, you can make them warmer by adding some fun. Here’s a list of four winter activities to get you started.

1. Snow Siege

If you live in a place that gets snow, you’ve probably participated in a snowball fight. If you want to take it a step further, you could have a snow siege. Like capture the flag, both teams have a base—in this case, a snow fort—and an item the players need to defend. You could use a flag, or you could find something wintery like a scarf or double holiday decoration.
Instead of tagging players like in capture the flag, they throw snowballs at each other (you will want to establish rules about how hard and where players can throw snowballs so that no one gets pelted in the face by the little league baseball pitcher). If a player gets hit, they need to return to their fort and make a snow angel before reentering the game. Whoever takes the opposite team’s flag and brings it back to their snow fort wins.

It could be a fun activity for the whole family, or it’s something the kids would enjoy but you’d rather not. In that case, you could stay inside and do something warmer. If you have outdoor cameras, you can keep an eye on the kids without needing to leave your project. They should know this is a friendly competition, but if it turns into a fight, you can intervene.

2. Gingerbread Cookies

For those who are against going out in the cold and want winter activities that don’t involve freezing, here’s one for date night, a family activity, or a baking project you can do on your own. Making gingerbread houses is a common tradition, but it’s often tricky to construct the house without it falling apart. They can also be wasteful. You bake the cookie for the house and buy the candy needed to decorate it. Then, you use it as a decoration, only to throw it away at the end of the season. Some people eat them, but when cookies and candy sit out for days, they tend to get hard and nasty. If there are pets in the home, eating the gingerbread house is an even more questionable decision. It could have fur on it, and the pet might have licked it to sample this offering from its humans.

As a yummier, less wasteful option, you could decorate gingerbread cookies. You could go with the traditional gingerbread men or get creative with the cookie cutters you have around. A basic circle could become a snowman’s head, and why not pull out those animal cookie cutters while you’re at it? Just don’t eat the cat and dog-shaped cookies in front of your pets if you think it will make them nervous.

3. Share the Joy

If you make more cookies than you know what to do with, you could turn it into a family outing and deliver some to friends and neighbors. If someone isn’t home but they have a video doorbell, you can leave the cookies on the porch and give a quick greeting to their camera so they know who the cookies are from when they get home later.

4. Movie Night

After you’ve had a snow siege or delivered cookies, you might decide it’s time for something warmer. Make some hot chocolate and curl up with some blankets for a movie night (blankets are optional but recommended for maximum coziness). You could watch a Christmas classic or have a Lord of the Rings marathon in commemoration of the first movie’s 20th anniversary this month.

However you decide to enjoy the winter, we at WISE Home solutions wish you the happiest of holidays.

Keeping It New While Keeping the Charm


New. New technology. New styles. Mainstream society is all about new. In many cases, this is beneficial. With advances in technology, things are becoming faster, easier, and more efficient, but sometimes aesthetic is lost in the process. If you’re the person in your neighborhood who is known for having the gorgeous vintage or otherwise old-fashioned home and you want to add some modern updates, here are some tips on how to accomplish this without losing the historic charm.


Go through your home and decide what you want to keep and what you want to update. You might decide it would be a crime to touch the cabinets and hand-carved molding even though everyone is telling you dark wood is out of date and you should paint it a different color. This isn’t about what friends and designers say. This is about you and the unique piece of history you call home. But you do think it’s time to install a new bathroom sink that will give you some counter space.

In addition to design updates, you may want to add some of this new technology you’ve heard about, but don’t sacrifice the features of your home you love in the name of technology. If while performing your home assessment you determined you cannot part with your beautiful antique doorbell, then installing a video doorbell probably isn’t the right thing for you. Instead, you could achieve a similar result by installing an exterior camera that monitors your porch. Some outdoor cameras will even allow for the two-way communication many video doorbells are capable of. If you are interested in getting smart locks but can’t give up your ornate doorknob, you may want to look into a deadbolt smart lock. Unlike lever smart locks, you don’t have to remove the original doorknob to install one.

Keep It Inconspicuous

It you want up-to-date technology but you don’t want it to show and ruin your look, there are things you can do to make it less noticeable. If you’re looking to get door and window sensors, you could look at the option of installing recessed sensors, more inconspicuous than the standard version and just as effective.

Changing out a light fixture would cause a drastic change in the design of your home, but changing the lightbulbs would be a far smaller and less noticeable change. Whether you’re looking to install more energy efficient bulbs or even smart lights, the most important thing to be aware of is the wattage of your light fixture. The wattage of the bulb has to be equal to or less than the maximum wattage of your fixture. Otherwise, you could possibly cause permanent damage to your light fixture, which would ruin your efforts of preserving your home’s historic charm. More urgently, having non-compatible lightbulbs is a fire hazard and should be avoided. If you are unsure how many watts your light fixture is, you will most likely be able to find it printed inside or on the socket of the fixture. If your fixture doesn’t have this or it’s so old that the text has faded and become illegible over time, you may need to manually determine the wattage with a multimeter or find someone who has one and would be willing to do it for you.

Add Style

As you are installing updates, you can incorporate more of your home’s charm by adding your style to the updates. While you’re choosing your dead bolt  smart lock, you can look for one that is close to the color of your doorknob. It you want to go a step further, you could look for ways to make your new tech part of the interior design. If your smart speaker is on a shelf, you could pair it with a candle and your favorite vintage vase to add aesthetic, and you could get a decorative wall plate for your Nest thermostat that matches the style of your home. Those are just a few ideas, but there are as many options available to you as there are possible Google searches.

Once everything is to your liking—you’ve added your updates while keeping your home’s charm—not only will you be known for having the gorgeous house, you’ll be known for having the tech house, too, but at the end of it all, the opinions of others don’t matter. This is your home. What are you going to do with it?

Purr-fect Pet Protection


If you have pets, you know they are far more than just animals. They are valued members of the family, and you want to make sure they are safe and loved like any other member of the family. A great way of keeping them safe is to install a home security system.

“Don’t worry. I’ll be back.”

You may find yourself saying this to your pet as you’re leaving the house, whether out of habit or because your pet always gets worked up when you leave. Maybe they’re worried they’ll never see you again or that something will happen while you’re gone. Maybe you’re worried, too, with the recent rise in pet abduction. By installing a home security system, you can ward off people who might try breaking into your home and hurting your pet if it gets in the way. When the would-be intruder sees the external cameras and the home security yard sign in your flowerbed, they may have second thoughts. If that doesn’t deter them, then the blaring alarm or the help dispatched by your home security company should.

With your indoor cameras, you can check on your pets throughout the day, whether it be to make sure your older cat is okay, to catch the culprit who keeps knocking over the plant, or to give yourself a pick-me-up during your lunch break because on a rough day, seeing your fur babies makes everything at least a little better.

“Honey, has the dog come in yet?”

It’s getting late, and you’re locking up for the night, but you want to make sure you don’t leave the dog outside. If you do, the entire neighborhood will hear when it announces it wants to come inside during the middle of the night with its cacophony of barks and scraping at the door. That grumpy neighbor of yours would inevitably call and complain in the morning, and your HOA would likely have a word or two to say as well. All-in-all, it would be an undesirable situation you’d rather avoid. Rather than searching the house for the dog or asking family members, you could install a tilt sensor on your doggy door. Whenever the sensor is tilted to 45°, you’ll receive a notification. This way, you’ll know whenever your dog goes in and out.

“Let me in, hooman!”

If your dog does accidentally get locked out and it’s not too old to learn new tricks, there’s a chance it could learn how to get your attention in a less noisy way using your Ring video doorbell like the dogs featured here. Then, when the notification wakes you up and you see your dog is at the door, you can hurry downstairs and let it in. As it bounds into the house, you apologize for leaving it outside, but dogs are regarded as forgiving animals, so it licks your face in forgiveness, any hard feelings already forgotten. Your dog follows you upstairs, its tail wagging, and you think to yourself how lucky you are to have such a loyal pet in your life.

Do the Smart Thing and Add Smart Home Features


With the technology we have today, we are practically living in the sci-fis of the mid to late 1900s. True, we don’t have the hoverboards Back to the Future II predicted for 2015, but our pocket-sized computers and many other advancements would still be mind-blowing to Marty McFly.

Technology is getting better, faster, and smarter. Chances are you have a smartphone, but do you have a smart home? Smart home technology has been gaining popularity in recent years, but if you’re still uncertain if it’s the right thing for you, here’s why you should do the smart thing and add smart home features today.

Smart for Your Wallet

There are many money-saving smart home features, with smart thermostats and smart lights being among the biggest money savers.

Consistently among the top-recommended smart thermostats, the Nest Learning Thermostat is designed to help you use less energy. When you first install your Nest Learning Thermostat, you will need to adjust it like a regular thermostat. Through this, it will learn your schedule to know when you have it on and how you like the temperature throughout the day. This way, you can more easily only use heating and cooling when you need it. It even offers eco settings for additional savings. If your schedule or temperature preferences change, you can easily adjust your thermostat from your phone wherever you may be at the time. 

Nest did a study to show how effective their thermostat is by looking at real energy bills from customers. On average, people saved 10% to 12% on heating and 15% on cooling. That means if your power bill is $81.65 and your gas bill is $47.99, the Utah averages for 2020, you’ll save around $17 per month, which may not sound like much, but it adds up. Just in one year, you could save $204, and in five years, you could save $1,020.00.

To maximize savings even further, you can install smart lights. At WISE Home Solutions, we offer a smart light bulb that only uses 9 watts to achieve a 60-watt brightness, and they last for up to 25,000 hours, which means that if you have your lights on for three hours a day, you’ll only need to buy new light bulbs approximately once every twenty-two years, putting all the money you would have spent on light bulbs back in your wallet.

Smart for Your Safety

Video doorbells are a great way of adding protection to your home. If a potential package thief saw a video doorbell on your home, they would be less inclined to act on their intentions than if they knew they could get away with it without being seen and recorded. More important than protecting your packages, a video doorbell can protect you and your family. You can know who’s at the door before answering, and if your kids are old enough to stay home alone and they open the door for a stranger while you’re gone even though you tell them not to, you can use the two-way talk feature from your phone to make the visitor think you’re home.

Speaking of being away from home, have you ever made it down the street or partway to your destination when you realize you can’t remember if you closed the garage? With a smart garage door controller, you can check an app to see if the garage is closed after reaching your destination or after pulling over—smart for your safety, remember? If you find the garage is still up, you can remotely close it from your phone. 

These are just a few of the many ways a smart home can benefit you. If you are interested in learning more, contact us at 844-904-9473 or request info online.

Life Is Easier with Ring

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The earliest doorbells utilized a bell installed into the house with a string or chain attached to it. A visitor would pull this to ring the bell—rudimentary, but it served its purpose. In the two-hundred or so years since then, technology evolved to give us electric doorbells, and in recent years, we have seen the video doorbell gain popularity, with Ring as one of the leading brands.

Life is busy, yet we find ways to make it busier. A Ring video doorbell adds elements of convenience and security to make things easier. Say you’re planning a party with friends, and you find yourself at the store buying what you need for the evening the day a package your expecting should be delivered. Your ring doorbell acts as a package thief deterrent since would-be thieves generally avoid stealing if they know they’ll be videoed and therefore more easily caught. It’s not a package panacea, though, so you’ve provided delivery instructions for the mail carrier. You’ve noticed that the drivers don’t always adhere to these, though. That’s where your Ring video doorbell comes in handy.

While you’re walking down the produce aisle, you get a notification that there’s someone at your door. Going into the app, you’re able to access the camera’s live-stream to see who it is. It’s the person delivering your package, and they either didn’t read or don’t care to follow the delivery instructions, but you’re able to utilize your Ring video doorbell’s two-way audio from your phone and politely tell the mail carrier where you would like them to hide your package.

When you get home with your groceries, you take the package—safe and sound—inside before continuing your preparations for the party. Part way through, someone rings the doorbell. You’re in the middle of a step, and you don’t want to stop unless it’s important. Thanks to your Ring video doorbell, you are able to check the app and see someone who looks like a solicitor at the door. Glad you saved yourself the time of sending away the solicitor, you resume your task.

The next time your doorbell rings, it’s dark outside, but the night vision camera allows you to see that, this time, the people outside are your friends here for the party. You let them in and spend an enjoyable evening.

The above scenario doesn’t necessarily apply to everyone, but the benefits can. Video porch monitoring, real- time conversations when you’re unavailable to answer the door, and in-app notifications in addition to a regular doorbell are only a few of the benefits. If you are interested in learning more about what a Ring doorbell can do for you, contact us at 844-904-9473 or request info online.

Yes, You Do Need a Security System Even if You Live in Utah — Or Anywhere Else

One of the common reasons we receive from homeowners is that they don’t need a security system because they live in a safe area. But what constitutes a “safe” area? Here’s why you need to make sure you’re reading the correct stats about your city and why a home security system is a good idea, no matter where you live.

What Makes Your Town Safe?

There’s a difference in crimes, of course. We all know that, but when we think of our towns being safe, which crimes are they actually safe from? A lot of times people only consider violent crime rates when considering where to live. But what about property crime? Often, this crime goes unnoticed or isn’t given quite the same publicity as violent crimes. 

So what exactly should you be looking for when visiting a crime site like Neighborhood Scout or Area Vibes? Of course, you’ll want to make sure violent crime is down, but also take note of property crimes.

Some Surprising Crime Stats in Utah

Did you know that Salt Lake City has one of the worst property crime rates in the nation? Like its fellow big cities in other states, it is not immune to theft and burglary. In fact, it’s far from it. It’s rated a 1 out of 100, with 100 being the safest score. A homeowner in Salt Lake City has a 1 in 10 chance of being stolen from. That not only includes theft from outside the home, but more aggravated robberies from inside the home. 

Looking at a perceived “nicer” city, such as Draper, will show a better crime rate, but it’s still surprisingly low. With a score of 28, you can expect that at some point you or someone on your street in Draper will experience property theft. To be more specific, 1 in 54 houses every year will experience this type of crime.

Yes, Crime Exists in Small Towns, too

Looking at smaller towns, you’d expect a bit better crime rate. After all, when we think of small towns, we think of close-knit communities that take care of one another. And while that still might be the case, there’s always a chance that someone from another town or even your own might stray from time to time. Richfield, Utah has a surprisingly high property crime rate. While the number of crimes is low compared to a bigger city, the crime rate (the percentage of crimes vs. the number of people) is high. In Richfield, your chance of being a victim of a property crime is 1 in 32, whereas in Utah as a whole, it is 1 in 46, leaving Richfield—a nice small town—with a higher than average crime rate.


So whether you live in the big city, a small town, or a nice neighborhood, you always have a chance of being a victim of a property crime. So if you’re asking, we say yes, you do need a security system. Protecting your home with professional home security before that happens is the best way to ensure peace of mind for you and your family.


Why DIY Security Systems and Security Cameras Are the Last Things You Should Buy This Prime Day


It’s Amazon’s Prime Day, which means that tech sales are plentiful. Many of these sales include do-it-yourself security systems and home security cameras. But are these the best setup for your home? And is your house going to be as secure as you’re hoping by adding these items? Here’s why you should really be looking for professional security deals this Prime Day if you want to secure your home.


First, let’s address do-it-yourself home security systems. These systems market themselves as affordable and customizable. They can be utilized on their own, without the need for professional monitoring but also have that option. So what’s the problem with that? Well, not every system and not every monitoring company is the same. 


Response Times for Monitoring Stations

Response time matters when you’re in the middle of a crisis—whether that’s a break-in, a medical emergency that you’ve triggered with a medical pendant, or a fire in your home. Some companies have a time of upwards of 60 to 90 seconds. When you use a professional security company, like WISE Home Solutions, whose monitoring station has some of the best response times in the business (around 12 seconds), you know that you’re investing in that service. In an emergency, every second counts. 


WiFi vs Cellular Security Systems

Professional alarm services tend to use security equipment that is tried and tested over a long period of time. Not only that, but while DIY systems boast their wireless systems, that’s a feature that’s been part of professional home security for a long time. And a professional system doesn’t count on Wi-Fi to keep you secure. Using cellular technology, you can rest assured that your security system will keep working during a power outage, or if someone were to use a Wi-Fi blocker near your home.


With professional home security, If your cell phone is working, your security system will be working. That’s why a professional system is much more secure than a Wi-Fi-based system. And while some Wi-Fi systems use an alarm cellular backup, there can be a minute or more delay before it kicks in, with some reports that alarm cellular backup never kicks in. This leaves your home and family vulnerable during that time.


Security Cameras are Not the First Line of Defense

Security cameras seem to be all the rage right now and there’s a company that ran a commercial that summed up this craze brilliantly. The commercial shows a series of people on vacation, at work, and other places away from their homes, watching from their phones as burglars break into their homes, as they beg for them to stop or put things back. While the commercial elicits a good chuckle, it poses a great question: what good is a camera if there’s no one responding to your emergency? Cameras should be viewed as a supplementary device to a complete security system. After your alarm scares off any potential intruder, you can send the video to the authorities for evidence. But don’t depend on cameras to keep you and your family safe.


So while it may be tempting to buy a DIY system or security cameras this Prime Day, make sure you’re investing in the right security system for your situation. And consider all the options you have out there. Cheaper isn’t always better, especially when it comes to the safety of your home.