These 3 Ring Doorbell Camera Videos Will Instantly Brighten Your Day

Who knew that a device invented for convenience and home security would lead to so many heartwarming and hilarious moments? These three stories are so delightful, they’ll make you wish you had a ring doorbell camera on your own home. Check out the following stories!

1. A Sweet Father-Son Moment

Every parent knows it can be hard to be away from your kids. This adorable moment takes place when a boy wants to ask his dad how to turn on the TV, so he calls him using the doorbell! The boy makes sure to tell his dad how much he loves him before the conversation is over! So cute! Definitely a 21st-century kid!

2. The Cutest Puppy Trying To Get In The House

Have you ever wished you had a camera ready for those moments when your pet is being adorable? A Washington family’s sweet, little golden retriever snuck out of his home one night. He uses the doorbell to try to alert his owners that he needs help getting back in! The doorbell camera records the whole thing. Poor guy! Check out the video here!

3. The Funniest Family Moment Caught on Ring Doorbell Camera

When your brother-in-law accidentally tries to get into the wrong house, and the police show up, you know you’ll never let him live that down. Luckily, in this case, there was a video recording. The Ring Video Doorbell lets you record the best moments, so you can relive them over and over again. Watch this hilarious video here!

Can Smart Lights Cure Your Insomnia?


If you’re feeling exhausted from multiple bad nights of sleep in a row, you’re not alone. Around 60 million people in American suffer from insomnia. Artificial lighting is one of the most common causes of sleep trouble because it messes with the sleep patterns that humans are naturally accustomed to. You can decrease the amount of artificial light you are exposed to by installing smart lights. You’ll start quickly start getting better sleep.

Dim Your Smart Lights

Smart lighting systems allow you to dim the lights in your home using just an app. To help with your insomnia, you should take advantage of this feature, especially in the evening. Hundreds of years ago, humans knew it was time to go to sleep when the sun went down. In our modern society, we see just as much light at night as we do in the day. This confuses our bodies and keeps us from falling asleep when we want to.

The less artificial light we expose our bodies to, the better for our sleep schedule. By dimming your lights, you are minimizing the harm done by that electric light exposure. Dimming your lights throughout the day is good for your body, but it’s most important in the few hours before you go to sleep.

Set a Schedule

Our bodies function on a schedule, and now the lighting in your house can too. Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep, but even when you get that, it’s hard to feel rested when you wake up in the pitch black. With a smart light system, you can schedule your lights to slowly turn on in the morning. This simulates the experience of waking up to then natural sunlight.

You can also set a timer in the evening when you’re ready to dim the lights. This way, if you forget to decrease the artificial light at night, your lights can do it for you. Although the invention of modern lighting messed with our sleep schedules, the invention of smart lighting just might save them.


How Does a Home Camera System Provide Seniors Independence?


As relatives age, finding the right balance between allowing for independence and providing sufficient care can be difficult. A home camera system is an awesome tool that helps find that balance. It allows you to provide support without having to be constantly present. Installing one of these systems provides many extra years of independence for the elderly.

Prevent Property Crime

Sadly, seniors are the most frequently targeted group for burglary. Thieves expect elderly home residents to have limited hearing, slow reaction times, and plenty of valuable items. Camera systems counteract these vulnerabilities.

When a burglar knows there is a camera system installed in a home, the chances of an attempted break-in decrease. If there is an attempt at theft, you can quickly respond, even if your relative was unaware of the situation.

Quickly React to Medical Emergencies

It’s important to check on your elderly relatives regularly. You don’t want them to feel like they can’t take care of themselves, though. A home camera system allows you to react quickly if there’s been a fall or another health issue, but otherwise, leave them in peace.

Although you’ll still be keeping a close eye on your relatives, the lack of a physical presence lets them maintain that independent feeling that they’ve had all their life.

Keep an Eye on Home Visitors

It’s common for seniors to have various people come into their homes throughout the day, whether it’s a housekeeper, technician, or a plumber. For the most part, these people are all very trustworthy, however, seniors are the most likely group to attract scammers pretending to provide services.

Your older relatives will likely want to choose their own providers for these services, but you may want to check the cameras to ensure your parents and grandparents don’t get taken advantage of.

It’s a smart idea to look into different security plans and camera packages to ensure the security of your senior relatives’ homes.



Which Smart Devices Help Reduce Emissions?


January is an excellent time to set New Year’s resolutions. This year many people are setting goals to live more sustainably. It’s an admirable goal, but it can be difficult to know where to begin. 20% of all U.S. emissions come from homes, making your home an excellent place to start your sustainability efforts. Upgrading your house with smart devices, such as a smart lighting system, goes a long way in helping decrease your carbon footprint.

Here are a few devices that will help you live more sustainably as a homeowner in 2020:

Nest Thermostat

The Nest Smart Thermostat is the device that could potentially help you reduce your emissions the most. It also has the added benefit of decreasing your utility bill each month, so it’s a financially solid investment.

This thermostat adjusts the temperature based on your schedule. You can raise and lower the temperature to be more energy efficient when you’re not home, while this thermostat gets it back to a comfortable level before you return home.

Nest thermostat owners are also able to control the temperature of their homes from afar. If you find yourself stuck at the office longer than usual, the app lets you adjust the temperature schedule so you won’t be wasting any resources while you’re gone.

One of the best features of this smart thermostat is the monthly energy reports and alerts you’re given when the temperature settings are energy efficient, allowing to know you’re on the right track when it comes to sustainability.

Smart Light Bulbs

A great way to be more energy efficient is replacing old, incandescent light bulbs with smart light bulbs. These bulbs produce the same amount of light as traditional light bulbs while using a fraction of the energy.

Smart light bulbs can also be controlled with your phone. No more worrying about whether or not you turned out the lights before your vacation. No more realizing you left the light on in the other room just as you’re falling asleep. You’ll be able to turn it off without getting out of bed. You deserve to drift off to sleep in peace!

You’ll also be able to set these lights to run on a schedule. If you struggle with getting out of bed when the alarm goes off, try setting your smart lighting system to slowly brighten as it gets closer to your wake-up time. It’ll feel just like waking up naturally with the sunrise, which helps your body adjust more quickly. Say goodbye to miserably drowsy mornings!

Smart Light Dimmer

If your current light bulbs are going strong and you don’t want to simply throw them out, a good alternative is a smart plug-in dimmer module. This device lets you plug in any lamp and switch it on or off using your phone. Similar to smart light bulbs, you can also set the dimmer module on a schedule to dim or brighten at certain times of day.

The plug-in module includes all the benefits of smart light bulbs, while allowing you to use your old light bulbs until they die. After all, a sustainable homeowner uses up a product until it’s no longer useable.

Installing smart lighting systems and dimmers are excellent steps toward decreasing your carbon footprint and becoming a more responsible homeowner. Let’s make 2020 the year of living more sustainably!


Which Smart Home Devices Increase Property Value?


If you’re a homeowner, you’re probably used to house projects. The question is which projects will lead to an increase in property value? Smart home devices like smart door locks, thermostats, and light bulbs in your next home update can boost your home’s resale value by up to 5%.

Smart Lights

Efficient lighting is increasingly important to homebuyers. Because of this, updating your home with smart lighting can attract potential buyers. It makes your home stand out as up-to-date and cutting edge.

Not only do smart lights make your home feel modern, but they also save homeowners money in the long run. This can be a huge advantage and it might be the thing to convince potential buyers of the value of your home.

Nest Thermostat

Buyers are increasingly interested in ec0-friendly homes. The Nest Thermostat helps decrease the carbon footprint of a home. This makes it a very attractive feature for many buyers.

A Nest Thermostat in a home often signals to buyers that this home has all the newest features. It tells people they won’t have to worry about fixing an old and barely functioning thermostat within a few years of moving in.

Smart Door Lock

A smart door lock is an easy device to install that will automatically increase your home’s value. The front door is the first thing potential homebuyers see, so it sets an excellent first impression.

Because smart door locks are simple and affordable to install, the return on investment is very high. If you’re worried about comprising the authenticity of your door by replacing an original doorknob, you can install a smart deadbolt lock and keep the current doorknob.

These locks not only increase convenience by allowing you to lock and unlock through your phone, but they also allow you to monitor who is entering and exiting your house. By installing one of these, you’re sure to get a top-market price when you sell your home.


Everything You Think You Know About Do-It-Yourself Home Security Is Wrong

A lot of people have experience with home security, whether their parents had a system or they’ve had one themselves. But home security isn’t what it used to be. With technology advancing so quickly, the system you or your parents had 20 or even 10 years ago isn’t the same as what’s available today. Integration with automation devices, better connection options, and customized options have made home security primed for the ever-advancing tech era. But even some modern options, like do-it-yourself security systems, aren’t the best choice. Just because these home security systems come in trendy attractive packaging doesn’t make them the best for securing your home. To help you out, here are some common misconceptions about WiFi home security and the actual truth:


Do-It-Yourself Home Security is More Reliable

Almost everyone knows these days that if a criminal wants to bypass a wired security system, he just has to make one cut and the whole system is rendered useless. That’s one reason wireless home security systems have been rising in popularity. Not to mention, they’re much easier to install, which cuts down on installation prices and also makes it easier to take your whole system with you if you were to ever move. But even within wireless systems, there are big differences. Many of the do-it-yourself home security systems run on WiFi. And WiFi systems are unreliable if you have spotty Internet service. The better, and usually professional, systems run on cellular, much like your phone. They have battery backup so even if your power goes out, your system will remain online.


DIY’s Cheaper Than Professional

Head to head, this simply isn’t true. We looked at a very popular system (backed by the most popular search engine in the world) that only costs $24.99 a month to monitor, but has upfront costs of $400. If you have the $400 to put up-front, you’re essentially paying $35.99 a month for your system over 3 years – the typical contract term for professional systems. The problem is, the system we looked at only has two sensors. Unless you live in an apartment with one door and one window, you’re not fully protecting your house. For about the same price, you could get a professionally installed and monitored system.

But any reputable company wouldn’t let you only install two sensors. So when you consider that a professional home security company can fit your home with 3 sensors, a new LCD control panel and a motion sensor for around $45.00, you’re much better off choosing the latter. Not to mention the professional 24/7 monitoring by a live agent and zero up-front costs. That’s right – the best home security company out there offers absolutely no up-front costs. This makes securing your home easy and affordable.



It’s More Customized Because I Picked Everything Myself

The only instance where the above statement is true is if you have worked for home security. And, if that’s the case, then you would not be choosing a do-it-yourself system. Technology makes vast improvements every few years. Four-year-old technology is ancient in the technological world. So unless you’re keeping up on editions of home security weekly (is that a thing? We should make that a thing.), you probably aren’t aware of everything you can use to efficiently secure your home. Notice the word efficient. Sure, you can arm your home with 20 window sensors, but if you were up-to-date on the latest statistics, you would know that most burglars smash through windows rather than sliding them open. In one room, you can replace 4 window sensors with one glass break sensor, saving you time and money. Your home can be completely secured with at least half the equipment.

Facts like this can be gathered by a home security professional, whose job it is to know what is best for every situation and help guide you in making the right choice for your home and budget. When you’re comparing home security systems, make sure you have all the facts before you buy.

Best Places to Put Home Security Cameras


All home security devices serve a purpose. A home alarm system is the foundation of home security and necessary to make sure that your home is completely secured. But if you want to be able to fully monitor your home, adding exterior security cameras is a great idea. You’ll just want to make sure that you’re putting them in the right places. You will also want to make sure you have just enough to secure your home without overloading your WiFi and spending unnecessary money. Here are the best places to use exterior security cameras and the best types for each location.


Your Front Door

A Ring Video doorbell is a two-for-one device for home security systems. Not only do you get the benefit of smart home automation, but you also get security. These video doorbells monitor everything that happens in front of your main door and you will be notified immediately of any activity. Additionally, you can dismiss any unwanted visitors with the two-way talk feature. The two-way talk feature also gives the appearance that someone’s home, which is great for people who are often away. If you have children, there’s no need to worry about them having to answer the door for a stranger.


Side and Rear Doors

Ring’s exterior cameras are advanced enough to have almost all of the same features as the Ring Video Doorbell. Like the Ring Video Doorbell, they are even equipped with two-way talk. This makes it easy to scare off any suspicious person who activates the motion detector. These cameras are perfect for back and side doors.

Exterior cameras are also popular for detached sheds and garages. These locations usually store expensive equipment and need more security than basic door sensors.


Lastly, arming every angle of your home requires that your Internet speed is capable of handling multiple cameras. Before you set up several wireless cameras, check with your home security expert to make sure your internet has the ability to support the setup you’re wanting.




Home Security and the Integration of Smart Home Devices


Comparing home security now to the home security grandma used to have is comparing apples to oranges. Sophisticated and technologically-stocked, homes security these days is the descendant of unattractive, simple systems of generations past. These days, home security does more than monitor home intrusions. Now, the integration of smart home devices gives you the power to fully monitor your own home. If you haven’t looked into home security in recent years, there are big changes you might’ve missed.


Integration With Smart Home Devices for Automation

Modern home security systems are much more multi-faceted than their older counterparts. The sole purpose of older systems was to secure a home. New systems can connect with a wide range of smart devices to link home automation with your security system to make your home easy to monitor and protect all from one system. Energy-saving devices like smart thermostats and smart light bulbs give you a way to automate your home and save money. With smart thermostats, you can program your home to be the perfect temperature year-round. Program your light bulbs to turn off when you’re usually in bed, or when you leave for work for extra convenience.


Integration With Smart Home Devices for Additional Security

Not only can you add smart devices to your home security system to make life a little easier. There are smart devices that offer additional safety features than the ones included in a basic smart home security system.

You can utilize smart smoke detectors and smart carbon monoxide detectors to monitor your home and family’s safety, especially when you’re away. You won’t have to wait for your neighbors to see smoke billowing from your house before the fire department is called. As soon as a fire or carbon monoxide is detected, you and the fire department will be notified. This prevents a bad situation from becoming completely disastrous.

Video doorbells also have the benefit of being convenient as well as safe. When they recognize motion, you’ll be notified and a clip of whoever is at your doorstep is recorded. You can use Ring’s two-way talk to give the impression that you’re home and to dismiss any unwanted visitors. Additionally, just having a smart doorbell is a way for people to know that you are protecting your home. Criminals have admitted that the presence of home security is enough to prevent criminals from breaking into a home. And now that the holiday season is here, you can use a video doorbell as an extra step to deter package thefts.


Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Is Your Home Protected This Winter?


Use Smart Home Security to Protect Your Greatest Asset

Winter is here and if you’re in a northern state, you’ve probably started taking some steps to winterize your home. But you may have missed a couple of key steps to making your home completely free of costly accidents. As we go deeper into winter, your home and assets are at greater risk of being impacted by freezing temperatures. Luckily, these 2 smart home security devices have you covered.


1. Smart Thermostat

Heating a house is expensive and we all want to save where we can. When people leave their houses in the winter, they have to take steps to keep their pipes from freezing. But the Nest Learning Thermostat makes leaving your house in the winter much more cost-effective. You can program your heater to be low on days that it’ll be warm. And you can bump it up on the days when you know it’s going to be below freezing. Additionally, you can turn up your heat on the way home so you come home to a warm house. 

And if you’re the forgetful type, you’ll never have to wonder whether you remembered to turn the heat up in the first place. Coming home to a flood from burst pipes is the last thing you want on vacation. Smart home security enables you to check your home’s temperature from anywhere, right from your phone.


2. Floor Sensor

In the unfortunate instance that you forget to turn your heat up and do have an incident with a burst pipe, there are at least some ways you can prevent a bad situation from becoming completely disastrous. While flood sensors are typically used in homes where there might be a faulty toilet or old pipes, they can be used as a backup sensor for homes in cold climates as well. If your home floods because of a burst pipe while you’re out of town, you’ll get a notification and be able to send someone over right away to take care of the situation. 


If you’re looking for unconventional ways to winterize your home, look into either of the two smart products above. When you bundle them with a smart home security system, you can be sure that your home is protected from the inside out.


Wired vs. WiFi vs. Cellular Home Security Systems

Options for home security are abundant these days. New home security companies are popping up left and right and existing smart home companies are crossing over into the home security industry. So where should you be looking for the best home security system? And how can you be sure it’ll fit your needs? Even though these systems may seem the same at first look, there are differences between the wired, WiFi-based, and cellular home security systems.


Wired vs. Wireless

First, many of these systems are wireless, which is ideal. Wired systems are simply outdated and full of hassle. Burglars know if they want to disarm your system, all they have to do is cut wires. Also, the installation of wired systems takes much longer. This translates to higher labor costs if you’re having your system installed professionally. Lastly, if you’re planning on moving, your wired security system is there to stay and you’ll have to start over in your new home.

Wireless systems, on the other hand, are modern and simple to install. Professional systems come with tamper-proof sensors, which means that you don’t have to worry about someone easily disarming them. They are also more easily customizable; if you decide to add more devices in the future, it’s simple to do so.


Wireless – Cellular vs. WiFi

But even wireless home security systems are not equal. Some run through WiFi and others through a cellular connection. Cellular systems are far superior; a power outage or someone blocking your Internet signal will not render your home security system useless. Some WiFi systems come with cellular backup for such occurrences, but they can take a minute or more to kick on. This means that a burglar can access your home before the cellular backup kicks in. If you’re looking for a system that truly gives you full security, cellular home security systems are the only way to go. Other options may be easier on the wallet, but a home security system is hardly something you want to skimp on.

WiFi-based systems are typically the Do-It-Yourself type that comes with a set amount of sensors. Cellular systems typically are found in high-end security systems from home security companies. It’s important to find a home security company that can customize a home security system for you. That way, you’re getting exactly what you need – nothing more, nothing less.