Securing the Most Vulnerable Areas of Your Home

Many of us want to secure our homes, families, and assets, but finding the right home security system can seem like a daunting task. What do we protect first? Where are the usual points of entry for a suspect? Is there anything we can do to deter a criminal in the first place? All of these questions are valid and ones you should ask yourself before investing in home security. Here are the most vulnerable areas in your home and how to secure them:


The Front Door

A little known fact is that almost 80% of break-ins happen right through the front door, with many being forcible break-ins. That’s why your front door needs to be the most monitored part of your home. Utilizing a device such as a Ring Video Doorbell is a great option – and not only for its recording abilities. Burglars are statically deterred by the presence of any kind of home security device.


The Garage

Garages are also an easy point of entry, with access gained in as few as six seconds. Many homeowners admit to leaving the door that connects their garage and home unlocked. You might be leaving your home wide open for anyone who might gain access to your garage. Not to mention any valuable tools and possessions that may be stored in the garage.


Your Windows

Unless your windows have been left unlocked, they are most likely to be shattered during a break-in. This leaves window sensors useless in most scenarios. A better, more cost-efficient option is to invest in a glass break sensor. One sensor can do the work of multiple window sensors and give you better peace of mind that an intruder is more likely to be caught.


Other Areas

While the focus has mainly been areas where criminals would enter a home, securing your home doesn’t only cover break-ins. From knowing when your family arrives and leaves through a Ring Video Doorbell to securing a gun safe, there are so many devices that can help completely protect your family and your home. Take the first step in building a comprehensive system by consulting with a home security specialist.  A specialist can make sure you have everything you need to secure the most vulnerable areas of your home.

Our 3 Favorite, Lesser-Known Smart Home Devices

If you’re shopping around for a home security system, you may notice that many companies offer the same basic packages. You’ll usually receive a control panel and a few door and window sensors. But those are not the only parts available to make a comprehensive home security system. There are plenty of lesser-known devices to choose from to make your home security system completely tailored to your needs. Here are 3 lesser-known smart home devices you should add to your home security system.


Tilt Sensor

The tilt sensor is a perfect solution for homeowners with any kind of tilting door. If you’re holding any kind of valuables in a cellar or garage with a tilt door, this small device can prove to be invaluable. Protect your assets and have peace of mind with a Tilt Sensor.


Smart Garage

Smart Garage takes garage security one step further. By tying into your garage door opener, Smart Garage can check on your door’s status at any time. Afraid you left the garage door open again? Check easily from your app and close your garage within that same minute from anywhere. Smart Garage is the smart home device most homeowners never knew they needed.


Recessed door window sensors

How about those unsightly door and window sensors? If you’re worried about your sensors sticking out like a sore thumb, you can choose recessed sensors instead. Ultra-conspicuous and available for a quick install by your professional home security tech, this is a great option for people who would like a discreet option for door and window sensors.


When you’re looking around for the best additions to your home security system, make sure you know about all your options, including the lesser-known devices. These smart home devices can transform your basic home security system to one that is completely customizable to your home, needs, and taste.

How to Find the Best Home Security Company

Not every home security company is made equally. Just because a company is large, or has been around for a long time doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the best. Many big security companies rely on their name to get them by. They know they’ll be sought out just because people recognize their name and don’t bother looking into their reviews or the products they offer. When you begin to search for the best home security company, here are some things to look for:


Customer Service

The most frustrating thing as a customer is getting a lot of attention when you’re being sold a product, then experiencing silence once you’ve actually bought a product. And this behavior is rampant among home security companies. An easy way to see if a company takes care of their clients is by checking out their reviews. You’ll find these on popular search sites like Google and social media sites like Facebook. You can see first-hand what customers are experiencing before, during, and after the sales process with a company. This will help you make an informed decision when researching which is the best home security company.

Price-Lock Guarantee

Many people are initially sold because of pricing but are shocked when their rates skyrocket within the first year. Unfortunately, many big home security companies lure customers in this way. They’ll gloss over the fine print, leaving customers shocked when their rates shoot up. Make sure you’re not sacrificing long-term pricing over a temporary low price.


Just like not every home security is equal, the technology they use isn’t either. Companies can all offer “wireless” home security, but what does that actually mean? From setting up systems through unstable internet services to outdated cellular service, you may not be getting exactly what you expect.

This also applies to devices. A company that uses its own technology is going to be biased on whether their devices are the best for your situation or not. Instead, choose a company that has done their research and uses different products based on what they know is best. This way, you know you’re getting the best and not just a brand name. When it comes to keeping your home and family safe, don’t rely on outdated technology to be there for you when you need it most.


It’s easy to get caught up in the urgency a security company will stress when they’re trying to earn your business. Take your time and do your research. A few minutes could save you money and headaches in the long-run.

Motion and Glass Break Sensors: Frontline Home Security Devices

Many security systems, especially the DIY types, often offer a basic set-up of door and window sensors. But if you’re like most people, a few sensors aren’t going to keep your home fully secure. You may find yourself spending a lot of money buying extra sensors to cover every door and window in your home to feel secure. Luckily, there’s another way around having to do this, and it all lies in two small devices. Here’s why every home security system needs motion and glass break sensors as front-line devices.

Glass Break Sensors

Unlike most movies portray, criminals are not likely to be people who know how to quietly unlock windows. Most will resort to breaking a window to gain access to a home, rendering window sensors useless. A much better option is to place a glass break sensor in close proximity to your windows. One glass break sensor can then do the work of a few window sensors.


Motion Sensors

In areas with few windows, it would not be economical to use a glass break sensor. You’d be better off utilizing a motion sensor near these types of rooms, where a criminal would be likely to pass through. If a person happens to get through any of the previous safeguards, the motion sensor will pick up on their movement. Then your system will be triggered immediately, sending out the proper authorities.

When you contact a professional home security company, make sure you’re talking with specialists who have your best interest in mind. A reputable company will make sure you’re supplied with everything you need and nothing you don’t. Using motion and glass break sensors as front-line devices will give you the best protection against intruders. It will also save you money and prevent having to arm each individual window. 

Smart Smoke Detectors: The Devices You Should Buy ASAP

Smoke detectors aren’t a new thing. All homes have them, and everyone knows their importance. But your typical smoke detectors may not be fully protecting you and your home. Smart smoke detectors are a better choice when building a comprehensive home security system.

The Basics of Smoke Detectors

You should start with knowing the current recommendations for smoke detectors. Older homes may only have the bare minimum, but new law and NFPA recommendations are much more thorough. Following these recommendations give you the best chance of being notified of a fire. That way, you’ll have the best chance of protecting your family and your home. For the best security, install smoke detectors:

  • In every bedroom
  • Outside every sleeping area
  • In living rooms on floors without bedrooms
  • In areas away from bedrooms in larger homes

But even if you follow these recommendations, you may not be getting the most protection from your current smoke detectors. So why isn’t your basic detector good enough? The main difference and benefit from smart smoke detectors comes when you’re not home.


How Smart Smoke Detectors Protect Your Home When You’re Away

Most people worry about the security of their home while they’re away, but nothing can prepare you for an accidental fire. There are stories of spontaneous combustion starting fires, or smoldering embers suddenly igniting after electrical work. If you happen to be away on vacation, or even somewhere closer, like work, having your smart smoke detectors hooked up to your home security system will ensure that the proper authorities are on their way to save your home. This gives you a greater chance of saving your home versus the time it would take your neighbors notice that your home is engulfed in flames and call the fire department.


If you’re interested in getting the most out of your home security, don’t stop at the basics. Investing in smart smoke detectors can leave you better prepared for any potential disaster, giving you complete peace of mind.

Why Your Home Security Control Panel Matters


There’s been a significant increase in home security in the past decade, as more and more people are realizing the importance of securing their homes and assets. Not to mention the convenience and affordability of monitored home security. Technological updates and the implementation of smart devices has made using home security easier than ever. Choosing a home security system with easy to use features is a necessity. And the device with the most important being the home security control panel. The control panel is like the brain of a home security system. Every trigger is sent to it, and it’s where you can control every part of your home’s security. Read on to see why choosing a modern, user-friendly control panel is the best option.


Family members

If you or your family members tend to find modern technology confusing, you’re not alone. With so many updates and changes, even the tech-savvy can find it hard to navigate a security system panel. If a homeowner has limited ability to control outdated or confusing devices, a simple control panel is the best choice. Large, easy to read screens are beneficial for older residents. Even kids will be able to figure out the simple control buttons on a modern home security control panel.

If you’re worried about anyone in your household trying to figure out a control panel, choose a user-friendly control panel such as the GC2 panel or the GC3 control panel with an even larger, easy-to-read screen. And don’t forget a secondary control panel for multi-story homes.


During an emergency

During an emergency, the last thing you need to worry about is trying to figure out your control panel. Using a control panel with a large screen will give you less to decipher during an emergency so you can focus on what you need instead. You can control whichever device you need to, with ease. A user-friendly panel will also guarantee less accidental triggers. Any house-sitters, babysitters, or other new users will be able to figure out your control panel easily.



If you want to make life easier, make sure you invest in the right home security control panel. Having an easy-to-use panel will give you peace of mind, knowing that you’re fully in control of your home’s security.


Common Blind Spots Around Your Home That Could Use Monitoring


Nothing’s worse than investing in a home security system to later realize that it’s not sufficient. Having a basic home security system doesn’t mean that your whole home is secure. There are certain areas that homeowners don’t prioritize, to later find that they’ve been robbed. Read on to see how you can identify monitor blind spots in and around your home for the best protection.



The garage is often overlooked as an easy entry point for criminals. The truth is that criminals can access a closed garage in as few as six seconds. This leaves some of your most valuable possessions (calling all UTV’s, motorcycles, and boats!) in danger of theft. This also includes the rest of your home, as many homeowners admit to leaving the door that accesses their home unlocked. A device such as Smart Garage will alert you immediately whenever your garage door is being opened.


Many homeowners have sheds or cellars where they keep expensive tools and equipment. It’s important to properly monitor your pricey belongings in these outdoor locations. When you bundle a Tilt Sensor with your home security system, you can have peace of mind, knowing that all of your assets are being monitored 24/7.

Back doors

We often give the most surveillance attention to our front doors. But what about the rear of the house? Backyards provide plenty of visual obstructions, giving criminals the perfect opportunity to break in without anyone noticing. Arming your back door with a camera such as a Ring Spotlight Camera gives you the opportunity to be notified of any activity in the rear of your house. 


If you want to fully secure your home, make sure you monitor blind spots in and around your home. When you bundle the right smart devices with your home security system, you can have peace of mind, knowing that your entire home is being fully monitored.


The Convenience of Having Smart Devices Integrated With Your Home Security System

Home security is not the same as it was a decade ago – thankfully! There are endless smart devices you can add to basic door and window sensors. The problem is that many of these devices work independently of one another. This leads to needing several hubs and apps to control every device. A better solution is to bundle smart devices with your home security system. Life is a lot more simple when you choose professionally installed home security.

Read on to see why hiring a home security company is the best option when looking to add smart devices to your home.


The convenience of integrated home security

When your devices are supplied by a home security company, you can be certain that everything will work together. You won’t have to worry about using multiple hubs to monitor your home. Homeowners can also activate and deactivate all devices from one location. This will give you less to worry about in an already stressful situation.


Professional monitoring

You can have peace of mind knowing that every part of your home is being professionally monitored. You will be able to monitor a wide range of devices in addition to your home’s basic security system. For example, you can install smart smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to have total control over your family’s safety. You’ll know right away if your home and family are in danger, no matter where you are.


Profession installation

Nothing beats having all your devices professionally installed. Your home’s security won’t depend on whether you (or your “handy” significant other) installed everything correctly. Additionally, you’ll have tech support whenever you need it. No more endless web searches to see why your system isn’t working properly.


A monitored home security system can give you the peace of mind you’re looking for. Hire a professional home security company to install all your smart devices, for the best convenience and protection. 

The Nest Learning Thermostat – Your Spring Weather Lifesaver


Spring is almost here and that means one thing for your home — cold evenings and hot days. You may find yourself working overtime to keep your home at a decent temperature all day. With having to switch to heat at night and air conditioning during the day, you’re probably exhausted. Luckily, dealing with spring’s flip-flopping weather doesn’t have to be a full-time job. One small device can give you the comfort you’re looking for, while lowering your energy bill. Read on to see how using the Nest Learning Thermostat can make your life simpler.


Heat•Cool Mode

When that wild spring weather hits and you’re not sure whether to keep on the heat or the air, Nest has your back. In Heat•Cool mode, you can set the heat to turn on at a specific temperature. When it starts heating up during the day, the Nest Learning Thermostat will switch to air conditioner mode automatically. It’ll keep you cool until it’s time to crank up the heat again at night. Nest’s automatic switch from one mode to another actually saves you money, as neither system will have to work overtime to get your house to the perfect temperature. Nest makes it so both systems are working in perfect harmony, keeping your home comfortable and your wallet happy.


Nest Thermostat’s Away mode

Not only does the Nest Learning Thermostat offer energy savings while you’re at home; it can save you money while you’re away. Its Away Mode prevents your house from being heated or cooled when no one’s around, saving you money. Plus, the ability to turn on your system when you’re on your way home makes it so that you’ll still walk into a comfortable home when you arrive.


If you’re looking for a new solution to that crazy spring weather, the Nest Learning Thermostat can help. Adding a Nest Thermostat to your home security system will offer you year-round comfort and savings.

Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors — The Most Important Smart Devices in Your Home


All homeowners know the potential danger of home fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. And they’re aware of the importance of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to keep themselves safe from those dangers. What you may not know is that your home may not be up to the recommended guidelines. This leaves your home and family vulnerable to serious consequences.
Read on to see if your home is fully protected and what you can do if it’s not.

Placement of smoke detectors

Smoke detectors are the first devices we consider when protecting our family and homes from a fire. The important thing when we have them is to make sure that they’re in the right places. According to the National Fire Protection Association, there are key placements for these smoke detectors:

  • In every bedroom
  • Outside every sleeping area
  • In living rooms on floors without bedrooms
  • In areas away from bedrooms in larger homes

Carbon monoxide detectors — you don’t need too many

Carbon Monoxide detectors are often integrated with smoke detectors, which is convenient, but usually unnecessary. One carbon monoxide alarm per floor is all that’s necessary when securing an average-sized home. If you have a large home, you may benefit from one detector near sleeping areas and one on the opposite side of the home.

Make sure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are Smart

Not all devices are equal. Using wireless smart devices in lieu of the old hardwired systems is the best option for most people these days. You’ll be notified even when you’re not at home, since everything will be connected to your monitored home security system. So anytime you’re away, you can have greater peace of mind knowing that you’ll be alerted immediately.
This makes it a must for frequent travelers or anyone who has a loved one staying home alone often, whether it’s a child or an aging parent. Not only can you give your house the best protection, but also those you love most.

Setting your home up with the most up-to-date devices is the best way to protect your home and your family. Integrating smoke and carbon monoxide detectors with a home security system offers homeowners the best protection and complete peace of mind.