Common Blind Spots Around Your Home That Could Use Monitoring


Nothing’s worse than investing in a home security system to later realize that it’s not sufficient. Having a basic home security system doesn’t mean that your whole home is secure. There are certain areas that homeowners don’t prioritize, to later find that they’ve been robbed. Read on to see how you can identify monitor blind spots in and around your home for the best protection.



The garage is often overlooked as an easy entry point for criminals. The truth is that criminals can access a closed garage in as few as six seconds. This leaves some of your most valuable possessions (calling all UTV’s, motorcycles, and boats!) in danger of theft. This also includes the rest of your home, as many homeowners admit to leaving the door that accesses their home unlocked. A device such as Smart Garage will alert you immediately whenever your garage door is being opened.


Many homeowners have sheds or cellars where they keep expensive tools and equipment. It’s important to properly monitor your pricey belongings in these outdoor locations. When you bundle a Tilt Sensor with your home security system, you can have peace of mind, knowing that all of your assets are being monitored 24/7.

Back doors

We often give the most surveillance attention to our front doors. But what about the rear of the house? Backyards provide plenty of visual obstructions, giving criminals the perfect opportunity to break in without anyone noticing. Arming your back door with a camera such as a Ring Spotlight Camera gives you the opportunity to be notified of any activity in the rear of your house. 


If you want to fully secure your home, make sure you monitor blind spots in and around your home. When you bundle the right smart devices with your home security system, you can have peace of mind, knowing that your entire home is being fully monitored.


The Surprising Way Home Automation Can Protect You From Identity Theft

Over 16.7 million Americans fell victim to identity theft in 2017, with a large portion of thefts coming from mailboxes. Most people are worried about their packages getting stolen, without considering the sensitive information their mailbox holds. Additionally, identity theft can happen right in a person’s home, from someone you know. See how home automation can help prevent you from becoming a victim of identity theft.

Outside your home

Many victims of identity theft have their information stolen right from their mailbox. An unmonitored mailbox provides the perfect opportunity for a criminal to access sensitive information. If you’re prone to forgetting your mail overnight, utilizing something like a door sensor can remind you to check your mail. You’ll know exactly when your mail is delivered, so you can bring your documents inside right away.


Inside your home

While most identity thefts come from strangers, about 10% of all identity thefts come from a person’s acquaintances or family members. Homes are a hub for sensitive information, as it’s where we hold items such as our credit card information and social security cards.

You can take initial steps to secure your identity inside your home by placing sensitive documents in a locked drawer. Arming your drawer with a door sensor can give you additional peace of mind. You’ll know immediately if there’s been a breach in security.

Statistics show that people who know that they’re being watched are less likely to commit a crime. Placing indoor cams around off-limit areas of your home can help secure your identity even further. Plus, you’ll have the evidence on hand in case anything ever does end up missing.


If you want to lessen the probability of becoming one of the 16 million people who are going to have their identities compromised this year, make home security and automation a priority. When you utilize these smart devices, you’ll give yourself a little more peace of mind, knowing that you’re doing what you can to secure your identity and credit.

The Convenience of Having Smart Devices Integrated With Your Home Security System

Home security is not the same as it was a decade ago – thankfully! There are endless smart devices you can add to basic door and window sensors. The problem is that many of these devices work independently of one another. This leads to needing several hubs and apps to control every device. A better solution is to bundle smart devices with your home security system. Life is a lot more simple when you choose professionally installed home security.

Read on to see why hiring a home security company is the best option when looking to add smart devices to your home.


The convenience of integrated home security

When your devices are supplied by a home security company, you can be certain that everything will work together. You won’t have to worry about using multiple hubs to monitor your home. Homeowners can also activate and deactivate all devices from one location. This will give you less to worry about in an already stressful situation.


Professional monitoring

You can have peace of mind knowing that every part of your home is being professionally monitored. You will be able to monitor a wide range of devices in addition to your home’s basic security system. For example, you can install smart smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to have total control over your family’s safety. You’ll know right away if your home and family are in danger, no matter where you are.


Profession installation

Nothing beats having all your devices professionally installed. Your home’s security won’t depend on whether you (or your “handy” significant other) installed everything correctly. Additionally, you’ll have tech support whenever you need it. No more endless web searches to see why your system isn’t working properly.


A monitored home security system can give you the peace of mind you’re looking for. Hire a professional home security company to install all your smart devices, for the best convenience and protection. 

The Nest Learning Thermostat – Your Spring Weather Lifesaver


Spring is almost here and that means one thing for your home — cold evenings and hot days. You may find yourself working overtime to keep your home at a decent temperature all day. With having to switch to heat at night and air conditioning during the day, you’re probably exhausted. Luckily, dealing with spring’s flip-flopping weather doesn’t have to be a full-time job. One small device can give you the comfort you’re looking for, while lowering your energy bill. Read on to see how using the Nest Learning Thermostat can make your life simpler.


Heat•Cool Mode

When that wild spring weather hits and you’re not sure whether to keep on the heat or the air, Nest has your back. In Heat•Cool mode, you can set the heat to turn on at a specific temperature. When it starts heating up during the day, the Nest Learning Thermostat will switch to air conditioner mode automatically. It’ll keep you cool until it’s time to crank up the heat again at night. Nest’s automatic switch from one mode to another actually saves you money, as neither system will have to work overtime to get your house to the perfect temperature. Nest makes it so both systems are working in perfect harmony, keeping your home comfortable and your wallet happy.


Nest Thermostat’s Away mode

Not only does the Nest Learning Thermostat offer energy savings while you’re at home; it can save you money while you’re away. Its Away Mode prevents your house from being heated or cooled when no one’s around, saving you money. Plus, the ability to turn on your system when you’re on your way home makes it so that you’ll still walk into a comfortable home when you arrive.


If you’re looking for a new solution to that crazy spring weather, the Nest Learning Thermostat can help. Adding a Nest Thermostat to your home security system will offer you year-round comfort and savings.

Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors — The Most Important Smart Devices in Your Home


All homeowners know the potential danger of home fires and carbon monoxide poisoning. And they’re aware of the importance of smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to keep themselves safe from those dangers. What you may not know is that your home may not be up to the recommended guidelines. This leaves your home and family vulnerable to serious consequences.
Read on to see if your home is fully protected and what you can do if it’s not.

Placement of smoke detectors

Smoke detectors are the first devices we consider when protecting our family and homes from a fire. The important thing when we have them is to make sure that they’re in the right places. According to the National Fire Protection Association, there are key placements for these smoke detectors:

  • In every bedroom
  • Outside every sleeping area
  • In living rooms on floors without bedrooms
  • In areas away from bedrooms in larger homes

Carbon monoxide detectors — you don’t need too many

Carbon Monoxide detectors are often integrated with smoke detectors, which is convenient, but usually unnecessary. One carbon monoxide alarm per floor is all that’s necessary when securing an average-sized home. If you have a large home, you may benefit from one detector near sleeping areas and one on the opposite side of the home.

Make sure your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are Smart

Not all devices are equal. Using wireless smart devices in lieu of the old hardwired systems is the best option for most people these days. You’ll be notified even when you’re not at home, since everything will be connected to your monitored home security system. So anytime you’re away, you can have greater peace of mind knowing that you’ll be alerted immediately.
This makes it a must for frequent travelers or anyone who has a loved one staying home alone often, whether it’s a child or an aging parent. Not only can you give your house the best protection, but also those you love most.

Setting your home up with the most up-to-date devices is the best way to protect your home and your family. Integrating smoke and carbon monoxide detectors with a home security system offers homeowners the best protection and complete peace of mind.

WISE Kicked off the Year With employee donations to The Road Home

This past month, WISE Home Solutions had the opportunity to collect and deliver donations to our local shelter, The Road Home. Since partnering with The Road Home, WISE has been dedicated to helping and assisting this incredible organization. In addition to donating a portion of every sale we make, our team found another way we could help out: collecting in-kind donations.

The process

After visiting The Road Home last year, we decided WISE needed to assist the shelter as a team. As we sifted through our options of ways we could help, we decided on recurrent donation drives, along with quarterly volunteer work. Our plan was to get everyone in the office to donate, as well as our community. Most people have items they’d like to donate, but never find the time to actually deliver them. So we decided to help our local neighborhood with some (almost) spring cleaning while also assisting our new partner.


The Results of WISE employee donations to The Road Home

This year, we thought it would be meaningful to have our first drive of 2019 consisting of donations from our WISE Home Solutions employees. Our WISE family rose to the occasion and delivered over a dozen large bags of necessities to the Downtown Salt Lake City and Midvale centers. Together, our team was able to fill up two trunks of donations and take them straight to the shelters. It was a great team-building experience, as well as a wonderful way to give back to our community.  WISE Home Solutions appreciates all the help we have received over the past couple of years. We are excited to do this all over again next month in West Jordan, Utah.


If you have a neighborhood you’d like us to go through on our next drive, contact Tanisha Collins at