Where to Find Affordable Home Security

A lot can make someone feel like they need to have home security. Whether your partner is always traveling, or you have family members to monitor while you’re working, home security can bring peace of mind to worrisome parts of your life. But even with the benefits of investing in a home security system, you might be wondering where to find affordable home security. First, you’ll have to look at your needs and realistic expectations for your budget. Then you’ll have to ask yourself what tradeoffs you’re willing to make for a little peace of mind.


Changes in Home Security

When it comes to home security these days, it no longer consists of window monitors and a control panel. Technology has provided a multitude of devices to not only protect your home but make your life easier and give you the ability to easily monitor your home from anywhere. When you sign up for a system with a professional home security company, you’re able to add and remove devices in a plan to make it fit your lifestyle and needs. On the other hand, do-it-yourself systems often come as a package. So no matter what size your house is, or how many doors you have, you might be paying for a system that isn’t matched to your needs. Talking with a qualified home security specialist is the best way to ensure that you’re getting what you need – nothing more and nothing less.


Be Honest With Yourself – And the Salesman

Of course, every household has its own budget and while many are able to afford some type of home security, it mostly comes down to choosing the right setup. Not everyone needs the extra smoke detectors, flood sensors, and door locks that bump up the price of home security systems. But you won’t know what your home needs until you speak with a qualified home security representative. Be honest about your budget and express that you need just enough to secure your home. An honest company will log out for your best interest. While they may initially assume that you want all the bells and whistles, it’s ultimately up to you to tell them what you want. 


It’s worth looking at your budget beforehand and seeing what extra expenses can be cut back to afford your new system. In the grand scheme of things, most basic monitored systems are affordable for the average American household. You just have to want to make room in your budget for it.

Wired vs. WiFi vs. Cellular Home Security Systems

Options for home security are abundant these days. New home security companies are popping up left and right and existing smart home companies are crossing over into the home security industry. So where should you be looking for the best home security system? And how can you be sure it’ll fit your needs? Even though these systems may seem the same at first look, there are differences between the wired, WiFi-based, and cellular home security systems.


Wired vs. Wireless

First, many of these systems are wireless, which is ideal. Wired systems are simply outdated and full of hassle. Burglars know if they want to disarm your system, all they have to do is cut wires. Also, the installation of wired systems takes much longer. This translates to higher labor costs if you’re having your system installed professionally. Lastly, if you’re planning on moving, your wired security system is there to stay and you’ll have to start over in your new home.

Wireless systems, on the other hand, are modern and simple to install. Professional systems come with tamper-proof sensors, which means that you don’t have to worry about someone easily disarming them. They are also more easily customizable; if you decide to add more devices in the future, it’s simple to do so.


Wireless – Cellular vs. WiFi

But even wireless home security systems are not equal. Some run through WiFi and others through a cellular connection. Cellular systems are far superior; a power outage or someone blocking your Internet signal will not render your home security system useless. Some WiFi systems come with cellular backup for such occurrences, but they can take a minute or more to kick on. This means that a burglar can access your home before the cellular backup kicks in. If you’re looking for a system that truly gives you full security, cellular home security systems are the only way to go. Other options may be easier on the wallet, but a home security system is hardly something you want to skimp on.

WiFi-based systems are typically the Do-It-Yourself type that comes with a set amount of sensors. Cellular systems typically are found in high-end security systems from home security companies. It’s important to find a home security company that can customize a home security system for you. That way, you’re getting exactly what you need – nothing more, nothing less.


PSA: Window Alarms are Outdated and Here’s Why

A lot of security companies’ largest selling point is the number of door and window sensors they offer in their packages. This is especially true for do-it-yourself systems from smart device manufacturers. But what if we told you all those window sensors are probably overkill and, in many cases, completely worthless? You may want to make sure you’re up to date on the latest statistics and what you should be using instead.


What the Stats Say

On the other hand, and despite what TV shows may depict, a criminal is not going to spend the time trying to jimmy a window open. When they break in through a locked window, statistics show they’re going to almost always shatter it. That leaves window alarms pretty much worthless.


So What Should You Use Instead?

Luckily, technology continues to improve and new products are being made to find solutions to common home security concerns. A glass break sensor is a solution to having a window shattered during a break-in.  A single glass break sensor can take the place of several window sensors, securing large areas with a small investment. 


Don’t Throw Out Your Sensors Yet

There are still circumstances that may call for window alarms. For windows with faulty locks, a window sensor would be recommended for additional security. A burglar will try to slide a window open first, before reverting to brute force. That’s why the first rule of home security is to make sure all doors and windows are locked. If you’re unable to do so, you’ll want to add a window alarm.

Another common reason people get window sensors is if there’s a concern with children sneaking out. Window alarms give extra peace of mind that your children are where they’re supposed to be every night.


What About Door Sensors?

Door sensors are still the best security solution for your exterior doors. Statistically, break-ins are most likely to happen right through the front door. And on top of that, most are by brute force. This makes door sensors absolutely necessary when building a security system. 

What to Look for in a Home Alarm System


Home security options have bombarded homeowners in the last few years. So you may be wondering what features you actually need to protect your home and family. There are a few key factors in deciding what home alarm system is best for you. Here are the questions to ask yourself when you’re shopping around for home security.


Why Do I Need Security?

First, you’ll want to think about why you are looking for home security. Do the possibility of break-ins worry you? Or are you more worried about the assets around the exterior of your home? If you park your cars outside, you may need exterior cameras more than interior cameras. Alternatively, if you have pets or kids that need monitoring, you’ll want to make sure that you have the right equipment.  And for those who are concerned with packages getting stolen off their porch, video doorbells are a common solution. 

Depending on what you’re looking to accomplish with home security, you will need different pieces of equipment to suit your needs.

Am I Looking For Convenience?

Additionally, you may be looking more for devices that will make your life more convenient. Smart home automation is transforming the way people control their homes. Monitored smoke alarms can give you extra peace of mind when you’re out of town. Nest Learning Thermostats can be programmed to turn on when you pull into your driveway. And light bulbs can be programmed to turn off at bedtime. These are just a few of the ways you can make life simple with a comprehensive home alarm system. 


Can I Afford It?

The most common concern for homeowners is the affordability of home security. When you find a trustworthy home security company, your representative will do what he can to make sure your system fits your needs as well as your budget. The affordability of home security may surprise you, especially when you factor in discounts from home insurance companies and lower energy costs. Not to mention, the cost of home security far outweighs the repercussions of getting your home broken into.