4 Reasons Burglars Love Your Home (and How to Protect It)

Have you ever wondered what makes some homes more likely to be robbed than others? You might be surprised to learn that most burglars aren’t super-intelligent, thieving masterminds; most of them look for the same key traits when deciding whether or not to rob a home. If you’re looking to protect your home, it’s important to think about what features make your home a target. Here are some of the most common traits that could make a burglar love your home:

1. There’s an Easy Way Inside

This one may seem obvious, but, as we said, burglars tend to be pretty obvious, too. Thieves love to look for the path of least resistance. So, if you’re a person who likes to open up their windows to let in a nice summer breeze—just make sure to close and lock all the windows in your home before you head to work for the day. 

2. They Know When You’re Coming and Going

Many thieves make sure to do their homework before entering a home. Sometimes, they’ll pose as a door-to-door salesperson in order to get information out of you about when you aren’t home. Sometimes, they’ll just monitor your home for a few days to see when your home is empty throughout the day. This is a situation where a home security system can be a huge benefit. If you’re worried about your home being invaded while you’re not around, simply activate your security system to monitor your property in real-time and protect your home from burglars. 

3. You Have an Easily Accessible Backyard

When you have an easily accessible backyard, you leave an easy entry point open to thieves. You’re much more likely to accidentally leave a backyard window or door unlocked throughout the day. Additionally, these glass doors and windows provide an easy entry point for homes without security systems—thieves can simply break the glass, and there’s a much lower chance that those criminals will be seen than if they broke in through your front door. 

4. You Make it Obvious That You Have Stuff Worth Stealing

Do you park your brand new Tesla in your driveway? Is your $2000 computer setup visible from the window outside of your home? Although it’s understandable that you’d want to show these cool gadgets off to your neighbors, they’re also very flashy prospects for a potential burglar—and it lets them know that you’re somebody worth stealing from. If possible, it’s best to park your cars in the garage and ensure that your curtains are closed tightly to hide any valuables you might have. 

What You Can Do:

So, these are the things that make burglars love your home. But, do you know what they hate? Home security systems. Thieves take calculated risks, and they won’t want to risk invading a home with motion sensors, cameras, and sirens built-in. If you’re looking to protect your home from threats, check out our website or call (844) 904-9473 for a free, no-obligation consultation today. 

5 Tips for the First-Time Homebuyer

Being a first-time homebuyer is stressful—but it’s much easier when you know what to look for. We’ve put together some tips to help you out as you navigate the home-buying process for the first time.

1. Consider What You Can Afford

When thinking about buying a home, it’s essential that you know your budget before you start shopping. Real estate agents, home sellers, and mortgage lenders all want to get as much money out of you as they can—so it’s important to determine this number before you start. 

Remember that there are loads of hidden fees in the home-buying process to be aware of. In addition to a down-payment, you’ll need to budget and set aside funds for closing costs of the sale, as well as all the move-in expenses you’ll have once you move in. These move-in expenses could be anything from home repairs to furniture to a new paint job. 

2. Think About What You Need in a Home

When shopping for homes, there are likely three categories that matter to you: location, features, and price. Your top priority will differ depending on what matters to you. Are you willing to sacrifice your dream kitchen for a home closer to the park? Would you rather have a quiet street or a claw-foot tub? The home-buying process includes a lot of decisions, so it’s helpful to think about which priorities matter most to you beforehand. 

3. Compare Mortgage Lenders and Get a Pre-Approval Letter

If you want to let a home seller know that you’re serious about buying, the best way to demonstrate that is to make your offer with a pre-approved mortgage rate in hand. Before getting this, though, you should make sure to shop around for a mortgage to ensure you get the best rate possible. There are loads of tools available online, but we like to use this one because of its ease-of-use. 

4. Research First-Time Homebuyer Assistance in Your State

If you’re a first-time homebuyer, your state housing authority might offer assistance programs that help reduce the cost of buying a home. Some states lump in your closing costs with your mortgage to help you get a better rate; others offer tax credits that you can be reimbursed for when you next file for taxes. Nerdwallet has this handy guide to help you see what you might qualify for in your state. 

5. Take a Virtual 3D Tour of Homes You’re Interested In!

Although COVID-19 has prevented many people from taking in-person tours of potential homes, many real estate agencies have moved online with virtual tours that let you see the entire home from the comfort of your bed, couch, or office. Not only does this mean less work for you, it means you can see multiple houses in the time it would’ve taken you to physically visit just one! Have some fun trying out this virtual tour format to get a better feel for what you want in a new home. 

…And lastly, once you’ve bought your first home—make sure to keep it secure with a home security system. WISE Home Solutions has a variety of plans, products, and features that’ll make your house feel like a home in no time. Call us at 1-844-904-9473 for a free, no-obligation quote.

Why Security is Essential for Your Small Business

Anyone who’s ever worked with a small business knows just how difficult it can be to keep track of all the obligations you have to deal with on a daily basis—handling customer interactions, legal issues, employee relations, you name it. It can be easy for things to fall through the cracks. One thing that many small businesses overlook is the importance of a security system. You might be surprised at how much money you’re throwing away by leaving your startup unsecured.

A Small Business is 4x More Likely to be Burglarized Than a Home

Did you know that you’re 4x more likely to face a burglar in your business than at your home? Businesses provide a better opportunity for thieves—especially if they think your small business doesn’t have a security system. Because a burglar can expect the building to be empty at night, they don’t have to worry about encountering people like they would in a home. 

Employee Theft is a Major Issue for Small Businesses

Did you know that 95% of employees admit to having stolen an item from their employer? That number is enough to make any employer worry. Even more so, the average loss from theft to US small businesses is $20,000 annually. Having an indoor camera security system can help you keep track of your employees, making sure they’re helping, and not hurting, your startup. 

Your Small Business and Time Theft

In addition to cash/asset theft, time theft is a major issue facing most US employers. A study conducted by Robert Half International found that the average employee spends about 4.5 hours weekly engaging in various non-work activities while on the clock. Additionally, 1 in every 4 workers admitted to exaggerating their amount of time worked by about 75%. 


By securing your small business, you don’t just get peace of mind from external threats. You get access to monitoring for your internal team to ensure that your startup isn’t wasting money where it shouldn’t be. Do you think you’re ready to secure your small business? Call WISE today at 1-844-904-9473 for a free, no-obligation quote.