Kid-Friendly Arizona Home Security


It’s no secret that parenting is hard. It’s the most rewarding job in the world, and it passes you by in the blink of an eye. With constantly changing schedules and moods, we need all the help we can get. Phoenix, AZ has a crime index score of 8, meaning it’s safer than only 8% of other U.S cities. Adding smart home and home security devices to your home can help make things run smoother and give you much more peace of mind. Here are some of our kid-friendly Phoenix home security device recommendations. 



Door and window sensors are a no-brainer. Placing sensors on entry points in your home is like having eyes in the back of your head…and on the side and on top. You’ll know which doors or windows are opened and when. So you’ll know if someone is sneaking out of his window late at night when he should be sleeping. And you’ll know if a window accidentally was left open by one of your children before you leave for a family trip.


Indoors Cams

Indoor cameras are great because they give you a peek into what’s going on without you actually having to be there. You can see your kids playing in the basement from upstairs in your kitchen. Easily check on your new puppy at home for the first time while you’re at work. You can make sure the studying that needs to be done is actually happening, even if you aren’t there. 


Smart Locks

The icing on the cake would have to be smart door locks. They are a game-changer! These are a staple for your Phoenix home security plan and peace of mind. In 2019, Arizona was ranked 14th in the nation in order of most burglaries. According to research conducted by home security experts, most burglars just use your doors to get into your home. A shocking 34% of burglars use the front door and 22% use the back door, as these frequently aren’t even locked. Let’s change that immediately and switch over to smart locks! They can have up to 30 different customizable access codes so you know which child is going in and out of your house and when. They eliminate the need for hidden or spare keys altogether, which is much easier for forgetful children. 

If you want to make your job as a parent just a little easier give us a call at 1-844-904-9473!