
Security tips, from us to you


Here at Wise,  a dedicated security solutions company, we’ve accumulated a wealth of knowledge over the years. Today, we’re excited to share some invaluable insights with you, designed to better your home security. Let’s delve into a couple of key things that we, as experts, believe every homeowner should know.

At the core of a secure home is the proactive approach to security. Rather than merely reacting to potential threats, consider implementing preventive measures. This could include installing robust doors and windows, enhancing outdoor lighting, and investing in modern security systems. A proactive stance sets the foundation for a safer living environment.

Tech and Tailoring

In today’s tech-savvy world, leveraging smart home technology can be a game-changer. From smart doorbells with built-in cameras to remotely monitored security systems, integrating these technologies provides real-time insights and control. Security is not a one-size-fits-all concept. Every home has unique requirements, and tailoring security solutions to meet these needs is paramount. A personalized approach ensures that you’re not only securing your property effectively but also optimizing your investment in security measures.

Community Engagement for Enhanced Safety

Our experience has shown that strong community bonds contribute significantly to overall safety. Establishing connections with your neighbors, participating in neighborhood watch programs, and fostering a sense of collective responsibility can create a powerful network that deters potential threats.

Educating Yourself About Cybersecurity

As our lives become increasingly digital, home security extends beyond physical measures. Cybersecurity is a crucial aspect of overall safety. Safeguard your home network, regularly update passwords, and educate yourself on the latest online threats. A well-rounded security strategy encompasses both the physical and digital realms.

As a security solutions company, our mission is not just to sell products but to empower you with the knowledge needed to fortify your home. By implementing these insights, you’re not just enhancing your security; you’re taking a proactive step towards creating a safer haven for yourself and your loved ones. Stay safe!

Six Things to Do After Buying a New Home


Congratulations! It finally happened. You survived the housing market and have purchased your first home. You probably don’t need us to tell you that there are many things to do after buying a new home. Since there’s so much to do and keep track of, it can be easy to overlook things. To make it easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of home security items you won’t want to neglect to help you ensure your move is smooth and safe.

1. Social Media

What does social media have to do with home security and things to do after buying a new home, you ask? More than you might think.

It’s your first home. You’re excited, but you will want to be mindful of how you celebrate on social media. Don’t include your address in any of your posts. If you have family and friends who need your new address, send them a private message. That friend from high school who you haven’t seen in years but you’re still following because they share funny memes doesn’t need to know where you live.

Also, don’t post a picture of your key online or show it in a video. YouTuber Josh Sundquist discovered this firsthand when he challenged a locksmith to create a working key to his apartment using only an image from a video. Initially, it looked like the final key was very similar but didn’t quite work. However, a second test using a suggestion from a follower proved that the locksmith had indeed created a working copy.

Should you post a picture or video with a key, you probably won’t end up in a friendly competition with a locksmith. Still, you may be at risk of someone with malicious intentions creating a working copy. If you still feel like you need to share a picture of yourself with your key to your new house, you could use the key from before you rekey, which leads us to the next item on your home security list.

2. Rekey

Unless you purchased a brand-new house with no previous owner, you need to rekey. This is one of the most important things to do after buying a new home. You don’t know if the previous owner turned over all their keys or if other keys they gave to family and house sitters are floating about.

You may have been hoping to avoid the extra cost of rekeying since moving is already so expensive, but it’s a small cost compared to the $2600 lost in the average home robbery. While you’re at it, you will want to change the codes on any smart locks, garages, or gates.

3. Windows

Now that the main entrances are secure, you will want to check the most commonly neglected entrances: the windows. The previous owner may have forgotten to secure all of them when they moved. Perhaps windows got opened during showings. Maybe one of your movers left a window unlocked with the intent of coming back and having an easy way in later. Whatever the case, taking a few minutes to check the windows now could spare you problems later.

4. Smoke Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Test the smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors. The previous owner might not have maintained them. Replace any that might be missing and change out batteries as needed.

5. Home Security System

To maximize the safety of your home, you may want to consider getting a home security system. Not only can a home security system protect your belongings, but also it can protect you and your family.

6. Neighbors

Get to know your neighbors so you can better watch out for each other. Then, they can intervene if they see people moving things out of your house when you’re not there, but they know from recent conversations that you aren’t moving. Plus, crime prevention aside, it’s always nice having friends in the neighborhood.

You Need a Smart Garage Door Controller

As you’ve been looking into smart home features you could add to your home, you’ve probably read about many of the standard products like smart lights and smart thermostats. There are numerous lesser-known smart devices you may find useful as well. For example, did you know you can make your garage smart? With a smart garage door controller, you can access your garage door remotely and control it from anywhere.

How A Smart Garage Door Controller Can Help You

Say you’re running late in the morning. Your alarm didn’t go off, and the rest of the morning has been a fiasco. The kids were fighting all through breakfast. One of them let the dog slip past on their way out the door. Thanks to the rain last night, the dog got covered in mud by the time you got to come back inside. You had to clean him up so he wouldn’t track mud all over the house all day. By the time you got that done, you had to fly out of the house so you could get to work.

When you’re partway down the street, you realize you can’t remember if you closed the garage or not. You don’t have time to turn around and check, but you have a smart garage door controller. When it’s safe to do so without breaking any road rules, you check the app. If you find it’s closed, you can go about your day without any worries. Otherwise, you can close it remotely. Then, you will have peace of mind knowing that your garage won’t be open all day and vulnerable to burglars.

How It Can Help Your Family

You’re out when you know your teenager will be leaving for an after-school event soon. She’s old enough to drive herself. However, she frequently neglects to close the garage when she pulls out, no matter how many times you remind her. With your smart garage door controller, you can know when the garage door opens. If the status doesn’t change after a few minutes to show it’s closed again, you can assume your teenager left it open. But no worries. You can close it from the app and know that your home will be secure while both of you are away.

These scenarios might not apply to run specifically, but perhaps you’ve been in similar. If so, and you would like to learn more about how a smart garage door remote can help you, feel free to contact us at 844-904-9473 or request info online.

The Dos and Don’ts of Selecting Your Alarm PIN

Whether your alarm is wired, wireless, cellular, app-controlled, or manual only, your alarm PIN is likely your last line of defense. Maybe a hacker manages to get into the home security app with your account. Perhaps a burglar is in your house prepared to attempt shutting off the alarm with however many attempts your system allows. You will want the final roadblock to be the one they can’t get past. Yet so many people choose weak PINs.

Data Genetics completed a study that revealed just how weak people’s PINs are. They analyzed 3.4 million 4-digit passwords using data they gathered from previously-exposed databases. There are only 10,000 possible combinations, so it’s expected that there will be repeats in that large of a data set. However, the frequency of some of the combinations was statistically significant. Out of 3.4 million passwords, 11% of the people used 1234, 6% used 1111, and 2% used 0000. Nearly 27% of the passwords were among the top twenty most frequent.

What does that mean for you? If you’re among the 1.08 in 4 people who use one of these twenty most frequent combinations as your PIN, a hacker or burglar has a significantly higher chance of disabling your alarm. You can take the risk of using a weak PIN and hoping for the best, or you can optimize the security of your home. Choose a strong PIN using these dos and don’ts of selecting your alarm PIN.

Number Sequences

  • Don’t use repeated numbers (1111, 2222, etc.).

All of these appeared in the twenty most frequent PINs.

  • Don’t use sequences based on number position.

2580 may look like an odd PIN to be the 22nd most-used PIN until you look at its position on a number pad. The numbers are not a scrambled sequence but are in a line straight down the middle. Combinations using corners are also common and easy to guess.

  • Do use random number sequences.

The more random your alarm PIN, the more secure it is. For example, the least common PIN was 8068. It’s not an important date, a number pattern, nor easy to type based on position. How can you generate a random number? One way could be to look at the clock and use the current time as your PIN. You could convert it to military time for good measure since 0 and 1 are the most common numbers to act as the first digit of a PIN. If you think you’d have trouble remembering a random number, keep reading. We’ll go into some things you can do to create a safe but memorable PIN.


  • Don’t use a year in the 1900s.

Every pin that starts with 19 is in the top fifth of the most-used PINs. Suppose you use a year of birth or the year of an anniversary. That makes your alarm PIN even easier to guess, especially if the hacker or burglar knows you or has looked you up on social media.

(Note: To increase the security of your online presence, hide your birthday from your profiles wherever possible. You may even want to invent a “social media birthday.” Instead of putting your actual birthday, use something similar but not the exact date. Then, people won’t be able to use your social media information for any of the numerous confidential things that your date of birth is connected to. This is not to promote lying about your age on dating profiles or making accounts on websites before you’ve reached their minimum age requirement.)

  • Don’t use birthdays or anniversaries.

See above. In addition to the year, don’t use (MMDD), (DDMM), or (MMYY) formats, either.

  • Do use obscure dates.

If you use a year, make it something obscure, like if you’re a Les Misérables fan and you use 1832 as your alarm PIN to commemorate the June Rebellion. Even other Les Misérables fans think the book takes place during the French Revolution, despite it being several decades after. The June Rebellion was obscure enough that most non-fans probably won’t have heard of it, either.

Phone Numbers

  • Don’t use your current phone number.

Even though phone books are a relic of the past, it’s not hard to get your hands on someone’s phone number. Just ask all those people who want to talk to you about your extended car warranty. Using one’s phone number for a PIN is common enough that if the person breaking into your home has yours, they might think to use that and get access as a result.

  • Do use a childhood phone number you don’t use anymore.

If you want to use a phone number as an easy way of remembering your alarm PIN, use an old one. If it’s your home phone number from when you were growing up, it won’t be connected to your name since your parents or guardians were the account holders.

Phone Words

If numbers aren’t easy for you to remember, you could use a phone word instead. This is when you take a word and put it into numbers using the letters’ alphanumeric equivalents. (You know how the keypad on your phone has letters written under the numbers? The number a letter appears under is the alphanumeric equivalent.) Then, you can give yourself something easy for you to remember, but it’s in disguise. If you go this route, there are a few things you will want to keep in mind.

  • Don’t use words that make common number sequences.

You wouldn’t want the word you use as your alarm PIN to be something like “moon” (6666) since that would give you a repeated number sequence.

  • Do use words that give you a random sequence.

Use a four-letter word (not necessarily one of those four-letter words) and use the alphanumeric equivalents. You could use “star,” which would become 7827.

  • Do use acronyms.

You could also use an acronym. Create a four-word phrase and use the corresponding numbers of the first letters: “Turn off the Alarm” (TOTA = 8682).

  • Don’t use acronyms that make common number sequences.

Like before, you will want to avoid acronyms that create common PINs. If you used “Other Zebras Only Walk” (OZOW), you’d end up with 6969, the 10th most common PIN.

Other Tips

When you have your secure alarm PIN, you will also want to regularly clean your alarm’s control panel. This way, a burglar won’t be able to guess your PIN by looking at the dirtiest buttons or where the most fingerprints are on the touch screen. Most importantly, use different PINs for different purposes. Don’t use the same PIN for your alarm system that you use for banking or your phone passcode. Then, if someone cracks one of your PINs, your other accounts are still safe.

Travel Security Tips for Protecting Your Luggage

Say you’re planning a trip to New York. You determine your travel itinerary, book a flight, make hotel arrangements, and plan for how to keep your home safe while you’re away. As the departure day gets closer, it’s time to pack. You might start by making a list of everything you need to bring with you. Or perhaps you pack more with a general idea of what you need and add other things as you think of them. Whatever your method, equally as important as getting everything you need to your destination is getting it home again. Among the best ways to ensure this happens is by protecting your luggage. Here are some travel security tips to help you protect your luggage.

Protecting Your Luggage

When you’re traveling between destinations, never leave your luggage unattended. You probably won’t be able to hold onto it the entire time, but always at least keep an eye on it. Even then, there are certain features you will want your luggage to have to protect you from baggage thieves and criminals.


When you’re choosing what suitcase to buy, the anti-theft suitcases with heavy-duty zippers and locks may look like a good option. In reality, a locked-up suitcase isn’t going to do you much good. TSA-approved locks can easily be opened with a master key. In theory, only TSA personnel are supposed to have access to master keys. But enough people have made copies or even 3D prints of these keys that it’s not going to stop a baggage thief. Even if they don’t have a master key set, they can easily cut the lock off. How can you protect your suitcase, then?

  • Pack Light.

Whenever possible, only use suitcases that are small enough that you won’t need to check them. Should circumstances make it so you must check a bag, put all your valuables like laptops and tablets in your carry-on. Locks on carry-on items don’t have to be TSA approved since you would be right there to unlock it if they need to inspect it, so a sturdy zipper protected against being penetrated and a good lock can help you here. Then, if you manage to get some in-flight sleep, no one will be able to go into the overhead bin and get into your suitcase, pretending it’s theirs while you’re asleep.

  • Be Frugal

Don’t purchase suitcases that look expensive. These will be more appealing targets.

  • Add Flair

When you get to the baggage conveyor at the end of your flight, you’ll see a fair number of dark-colored or gray suitcases. If yours is also among these, add some flair to help it stand out. Then, you’ll be able to spot it faster and retrieve it before anyone gets a chance to steal it. You could tie a ribbon to the handle or add some strips of bright duct tape. If you’re feeling ambitious, you could go a step further and get that bright yellow suitcase.

Backpacks and Purses

Backpacks and purses should be made of a slash-proof fabric with reinforced straps, hidden compartments, and RFID blocking. If the worst-case scenario happens and your luggage gets stolen, you can take measures so that you aren’t completely out of luck. If you’ve put luggage trackers in your bags, you can more easily recover them.


You arrived in New York safely, and thanks to the measures you took to protect your luggage, it made it safely, too. When you get to the hotel, you find out your room is on the main floor. To optimize hotel security, you’ll want to request a different room. Main floor rooms are easier for thieves to target. You’ll also want to be away from elevators, ice machines, and meeting spaces. Rooms in areas with more foot traffic are more likely to attract thieves since it looks less suspicious for them to be wandering in those areas.

Storing Valuables

Some hotel security measures are obvious. Never leave the door propped open. Lock the door and any windows and balcony doors when you leave. If the door is supposed to lock behind you automatically, make sure it does. Since a determined thief can find their way through a locked door, you may want to take additional measures to protect your valuables.

Many recommend storing your electronics, important documents, cash, and other valuables in the safe in your room. However, just as many videos have proven how easy it is to access a hotel safe. You will still want to make sure your valuables are protected when you’re not in your room, and you can still use the safe. Just add a secondary lock to ensure security.

When You’re Away

The point of a vacation is to get out there, see the sights, and do things, which means you’ll likely spend a lot of time not in your hotel room. To deter thieves, you can make it look like you are in your room. Leave the TV and a light on and hang the do not disturb sign. They won’t want to disturb a room if they think it’s occupied. Then, with your luggage protected, you can enjoy your day without any worries.

Safe travels!

You Need to Protect These Exterior Areas of Your Home

With home security, the emphasis is often placed on the inside of the home. We install smart locks to ensure the home is secure more easily, arm alarm systems to scare off intruders and notify us of break-ins, and hang cameras to help us identify the intruders. In your effort of making sure your home is safe and protected, don’t neglect the rest of the premises. Not only do outdoor security measures further deter burglars from targeting your home, but also you may have areas outside that you need to protect. Here are a few of those exterior areas and what you can do to protect them.

Driveway and Cars

As a would-be burglar comes up to your home, one of the first exterior areas they will see is your driveway. The best way to prevent them from stealing anything from your driveway is to limit what you put there. Do your kids leave their bikes and other outdoor toys out front? Help them get in the habit of storing them in the garage instead. If you don’t have a garage, they can use a bike lock to secure their bike to a post of the carport or another area.

Cars in the driveway can be a good way of signaling people are home, which can deter a burglar from attempting a break-in. However, you want to make sure your cars don’t become the new target.

1. Always lock your car.

Often, this simple deterrent is enough. It’s easy to break a window, though, so limit the reasons they might want to do this.

2. Don’t leave things in your car.

As the saying goes, “Out of sight, out of mind.” If the burglar sees nothing in your car, they’ll be more likely to leave your car alone. Why bother breaking a window if they won’t get anything out of it?

3. Use a steering wheel lock

If the burglar is out to get the car itself, an empty car won’t be as much of a deterrent. By using a steering wheel lock, even if they do break your window, they won’t be able to hijack your car.
A broken window is still an annoying, expensive problem, though. What else can you do to make your car less appealing? Start by making your driveway less appealing. If a burglar sees signs of a home security system, they will be less inclined to target your home. If you have security cameras and one that has a good view of where your cars are parked, this will discourage the burglar from taking an interest in your cars.


Perhaps a burglar isn’t interested in your driveway or cars. As a result, they may instead look for a way of getting into your backyard. You may want to consider getting your yard fully fenced if it isn’t already. An easily accessible yard is a better target. If you have a fence with a gate, keep it locked when not in use.


If the burglar does get past your fence, they might next reach the patio. As with the driveway, you will want to avoid leaving things out and have cameras with a clear view of the area. It’s probably not feasible to haul your patio furniture, grill, and fireplace in and out whenever you need to use them. You can take measures to prevent burglars from easily making off with these, though.

Get some steel cable and run it through the frames of your patio furniture. After you’ve strung it together like beads on a heavy-duty necklace, put a lock on the ends to secure it. You can put it all on one cable or spread it out over multiple cables. This way, a burglar would have to take everything on the cable at once or cut through the cable or lock. Since most burglars are out to make a quick score, they likely won’t think it’s worth the time and effort.


As with your car and gate, be sure to lock your shed. A smart lock can help you quickly check if you remembered to lock up, and you can remotely lock the shed you forgot.
Is your shed tucked away in the corner of your yard or off to the side and out of the way? Chances are, there’s an easy path a burglar could take to get to the shed and back virtually unnoticed. The edges of a yard are the most common places for flowerbeds, bushes, and trees, and these can provide cover and hiding places for burglars. That’s not to say you should tear out your plants, but you will want to ensure they aren’t overgrown and obstructing the view of your yard. If the burglar sees there’s not an easy way in and out, they will be less likely to target your shed.

How to Change to a Different Alarm Monitoring Company

What do you do if things aren’t going as well with your current alarm monitoring company as you’d hoped? You’ve explored options and possible solutions to make things work, but you’re starting to think it’s time to change to a different alarm monitoring company. You’re in a contract, though. Where do you go from here?

1. Read Your Monitoring Agreement

When you signed the contract with your current company, you made an agreement with them, and you now have a legal obligation to that company. In some cases, you will be bound to the terms of the contract and responsible for paying the monthly rate until the contract expires. However, many companies offer early termination options. To see what options are available for getting out of the contract early, start by reading the entire contract. If you cannot find your copy of the contract, you can get one by reaching out to your monitoring company.

Things to look for:

a. When does the contract expire?

You will likely be on a contract with a set end date or a month-to-month contract. If the contract lists an end date, you will want to find if the contract says the agreement will end after that period or if it will automatically renew unless you give notice of cancellation.

b. How to Give Notice

If applicable, you will want to see what you need to do to give notice. Many companies require at least thirty days’ notice in writing, but yours may require more or less time.

c. Look for Early Termination Fees

When someone terminates a contract early, companies will usually charge an early termination fee to help them recover the resulting costs and losses. Find out what you would need to pay should you terminate your contract early.

2. Weigh Your Options

Now that you’ve reacquainted yourself with your contract, it’s time to weigh your options to determine if you really want to to change to a different alarm monitoring company. Was your primary reason for switching to a different company was to save money? You may find that once you factor in the early termination fee, you might be spending more money than you would save. You may decide it would make more sense financially to finish the last few months of your contract. Then when the time comes, you could change to a different company without paying an early termination fee. Perhaps with the circumstances of your situation, you determine paying the early termination fee is better than finishing the contract.

You will also want to consider the company you are considering switching to.

  • What can they offer that your current company can’t?

    Look over their website and get in touch with a member of the sales team to find out about the company. You will also want to look at customer reviews to ensure the company delivers what they say they will.

  • Will your current equipment be compatible with their systems, or will you need to purchase a new system?

    Purchasing a new system could make the change expensive, but it could be worth it if your current system is outdated or doesn’t do everything you need it to.

  • Will they be the best security company for you?

    Here are some tips on how to find the best home security company.

3. After You’ve Decided

If you ultimately decide to move forward with the change, you will need to contact your current monitoring company and let them know your intentions. Then, work with your new company to get things set up with them.

Fake Security Sign: Don’t Fall For It Because Burglars Won’t

Throughout your subdivision, home security signs have been popping up. Your neighbor has one, there are some across the road, and there are even more up the street. There isn’t one in your yard, though. Should you feel vulnerable, or is it something you don’t need to worry about? Should you put out a fake security sign so you have one in your yard, too? To help you find your answer, let’s start by looking at security signs.

Do Security Signs Work?

When you place a security sign in your yard or a decal on your window, the purpose is to act as a visual beacon to would-be burglars that the home is protected. In a study surveying incarcerated burglars, 83% of the respondents indicated that they would try to determine if the house had an alarm before proceeding with a burglary. A security sign can be a good way of conveying this. Nearly half the respondents indicated that visible security signs were a factor that could contribute to deterring them from a target. If your neighbor has a security sign and you don’t, that will make your home the more likely target.

Do You Need a Home Security System to Put Out a Security Sign?

Maybe you’ve decided you don’t need to get a home security system because you don’t feel like it’s worth the cost or for other reasons. You don’t want your neighbors’ home security systems to make your home look vulnerable. Could you get a fake home security sign to make it look like you have one, too? You could, but that doesn’t mean you should. You can find a variety of home security signs online. Some use real companies’ names and logos. Some are generic. Others are for made-up companies to make them look optimal without copyright infringement.

Copyright infringement? You read that right. Depending on your state and jurisdiction, it could be illegal to use a security sign with a company’s name and logo if you don’t have a home security system with them. If you decide to ignore that detail, you could create other problems unrelated to copyright infringement. A burglar who knows what they’re doing can spot differences in design that could mark a nonlegitimate sign as a fake. This could potentially make your home a bigger target than if you had no sign at all.

The same goes for signs for fake companies. If the burglar doesn’t recognize the company name and does a quick Google search, they’ll find out. Now, your sign intended to say, “Don’t rob me; I’m protected” actually says, “I lied. I’m defenseless. Come on in.” You run a similar risk with generic signs since these give no credentials for the burglar to take them seriously.
As an alternative that will guarantee you better protection, it may be time to consider getting a home security system.

How to Give Kids Access to the Alarm System

The debate of how old kids should be before they get a smartphone is as old as smartphones themselves and isn’t going away any time soon. Perhaps you’ve decided the best decision for your family is to wait until the kids are older before getting them smartphones. If you have a security system with an app, you’ll need to ensure your kids have the access they need without a smartphone. There are several ways to give kids access to the alarm system that don’t involve the app.

1. Control Panels

In many cases, the easiest solution to give kids access to the alarm system may be to have the kids use the main control panel for arming and disarming the security system. You can simply move the control panel to the door they use most. What if you prefer to use the main control panel over the app? It’s more readily accessible than the extra steps of pulling out your phone and navigating to an app. If that is the case and depending on the setup of your home, having the kids use the main control panel may not be the ideal option.

Chances are, you have the control panel by the garage since you primarily go out this way, and the kids use the front door the most since they walk home from school and friends’ houses. Whenever they get home, they would need to hurry across the house to where the control panel is and disarm the alarm before it goes off. As a simpler alternative, you could keep the main control panel where you want it for you and add a secondary control panel somewhere more accessible for the kids.

2. Wireless Keypad

A wireless keypad is a simpler version of a secondary control panel. It doesn’t have as many controls as the main and secondary control panels. However, if you only need to give your kids easy access to basic arming and disarming of the alarm system, this could be a good option for you.

3. Wireless Key Fob

This option is like your car’s key remote. Four simple buttons on the wireless key fob give the user access to the alarm system’s key features—arm system in away mode, arm system in stay mode, disarm, and a siren. For some, this would be the ideal level of convenience. There’s no need to position additional panels in easy-to-access locations or punch in codes when your kids can do it at the press of a button. Of course, you’ll need to determine if this is a good option for your family. If you have a kid who constantly loses things, getting them another small thing to misplace might not be the best route.

Perhaps you could say designing the perfect home security system is almost as subjective as the decision of when to get cell phones for your kids. That’s why WISE Home Solutions offers customizable plans, making it possible to get everything you want and nothing you don’t need. If you would like additional information on how we can help you design the perfect home security system for you and your family, contact us at 844-904-9473 or request info online.

Make Your Sliding Glass Door Safer

People tend to put great effort into making sure their front door is secure. Most have a keyed entry doorknob and dead a bolt. Then, some upgrade to smart locks and install a video doorbell for extra safety. Others may add burglar bars. Yet, with all this attention to front door security, many overlook the vulnerability of the glass sliding door in the back. Most glass is simple to break, the basic latch locks are easy to finagle, and they can be pulled off the track from outside. So what can you do to make your sliding glass door safer and less of a target? Here are five ideas.

1. Blocking Bar

This is one of the oldest tricks in the book, but people still use it as a way of making a sliding glass door safer because it’s still effective. Get a stick that is half an inch shorter than the distance between the door and the door jamb and place it in the track. This will prevent anyone from sliding the door open, even if they managed to disable the lock. You can make one as simple as getting a cheap broom, cutting off the handle, and making the right size. If you would prefer a more aesthetic option, you can find decorative blocking bars online.

The main downside to blocking bars is that it can be annoying or difficult for some people to bend down and remove the bar whenever they want to go out the door, especially if you use the door frequently. (Looking at you, cat. Do you want to be in or out? Make up your mind already). If you want a solution that is more convenient in the long run and don’t mind a slightly more involved installation, you could install a security bar. These are higher up and swing up and down to block and unblock the door.

2. Alternative Lock System

As an alternate solution or in addition to barricading the door, you could upgrade the latch to a better lock. A double bolt lock especially will be far more secure than a basic latch and make your sliding glass door safer.

3. Get a Security System

Burglars are more likely to target homes without a security system, so getting a security system and placing the cameras and ya­rd sign in conspicuous locations automatically makes your home safer.

4. Door Sensor

As part of your home security package, install a door sensor on your sliding door. This way, you will always know when someone goes in or out while you are home, and it will trigger the alarm system if someone opens the door while you are away and have the alarm armed. Additionally, should someone try removing the door from the track to get in, they will move the sensor, and it will likewise notify you or trigger the alarm.

5. Glass Break Sensor

An easy way for a burglar to bypass a door sensor would be to simply break the glass, but if you install a glass break sensor, it will also trigger the alarm should the would-be burglar try this.