Having Security Cameras Without a Security System Doesn’t Make Sense – Here’s Why

If you’re looking to secure your home you may be thinking of going the DIY route. A lot of homeowners are sticking up security cameras around their property for a little more peace of mind. But how safe does this really make your home and family? What is the next step if you do happen to have a stranger show up on your camera without a security system? Here’s why you need a security system bundled with your security cameras.


The Good and The Bad


While having security cameras does reduce the chance of getting burglarized, they’re not enough on their own. Burglars can go as far as removing your camera – along with the footage, depending on the brand. You can also miss notifications if you’re anywhere without cell service and could come home to a burglarized house. But don’t misread the message – security cameras are a must when it comes to securing your home. But without a security system, they’re just a cushion against a hard hit to your home’s assets.


When you have a security system, you’ll get notifications right away if there’s activity noticed on your cameras. With two-way talk on your Ring devices, you might be able to scare any potential intruders away. And if you’re away from home, you can depend on your security system to back up your security cameras. If a burglar is brazen enough to go around your cameras, he will most likely be scared away by your home alarm. So even if you’re away, the police will receive a notice and be dispatched immediately. 


If you’re ready to step up the security in your home, make sure you contact a professional home security company. A trained security expert that will be able to spot weak areas in your home’s security. When you’re home is secure, you can relax with your newfound peace of mind.

Building the Best Home Security System for Families

With kids back in school, many parents are worried and looking for solutions to keep an eye on their children in those few hours between the end of school and work. Children sometimes have a mind of their own (okay, not sometimes, but most of the time) and parents want to make sure they’re safe and healthy as they finish up their workdays. Luckily, home security isn’t like it used to be. Parents no longer simply rely on security systems keeping out the bad guys, but also to keep a watchful eye on their kids. There are many devices that parents can utilize to monitor the safety of their children. Ring Home Security devices ensure that you have the best home security system on the market and the best chance of keeping your kids safe.


Using Ring Security Products as Front-Line Devices

The first product Ring came out with was their well-known video doorbell camera. The Ring Doorbell Camera serves as two forms of security. First, you can see when your children arrive and leave your house. Secondly, you can keep a watchful eye on any visitors to your home. Using the two-way talk feature gives the appearance that there is an adult in the home and your children will never feel obligated to open the door for strangers. 

Ring also has the best outdoor cameras on the market. While these function a lot like the Ring Doorbell Camera, you can set them up around your property. This means you can monitor every door in your home. With two-way talk and a spotlight feature, you can be sure that your home and kids are safe.

The Indoor Ring Cam is one of the best ways to know exactly what’s going on in your home at all times. Even when you’re home, it can help you keep track of nurseries, play rooms, and basements. So you don’t have to worry about what your kiddos might be up to (and why the house is suspiciously quiet…).


Other Solutions for Monitoring Your Family

Smart smoke detectors and smart carbon monoxide detectors are popular among families. You can be notified immediately if your children are in danger, no matter where you are. And, in the rare case that you need fire services, your alarm will notify the fire department long before your neighbors would notice any smoke coming from your home.

Electric door locks are another device that is popular among families. Parents no longer have to worry about your kids losing their keys and being locked out of the house until you get home. You also won’t have to worry about who has retreived said lost keys. If your children are forgetful (i.e. they’re normal children), chances are they’ll forget to lock the front door at some point. You can always check the status of the door and lock it right from your phone. These solutions are great additions that give parents additional peace of mind. 

WISE Device Spotlight: Ring Spotlight Cam

Home security systems continue to evolve, but one thing remains the same: people want to stop a break-in before it even happens. One of the best solutions is to use security systems with exterior cameras. Exterior cameras serve as a deterrent for criminals and, with new technology, give homeowners the opportunity to be proactive in their home’s security. Read on to see why your home security systems would benefit from a Ring Spotlight Cam.



Stopping crime before it happens might be as simple as having one or two security devices outside your home. It’s been reported that somewhere between 60-80% of criminals admit to being deterred by a home security system. So when you use visible security devices, you might able to help stop crime before it begins. Front-of-the-line devices like the Ring Spotlight Cam and Ring Video Doorbell are a great way to bump up your security system. Setting up a couple of Ring Spotlight Cams around the front of your house will give to record any activity that occurs around your home. 



Hard-wired exterior cameras are a thing of the past. The Ring Spotlight Cam is wireless, giving you the flexibility to set it up anywhere you need it. This also makes it easy to move in case you feel the need to place it elsewhere in the future. With two-way talk, homeowners are able to scare away potential criminals through a speaker, whether they’re home or not. Many families also find the Ring Spotlight Cams convenient for checking in on their kids when they’re playing outside.



The Ring Spotlight Cam is one of the best options on the market. You’ll love features like two-way talk, motion-activated spotlight, wireless transmitting, and high definition recording. So if you’re looking for high tech security with a touch of convenience, make sure you have a home security system with exterior cameras.