3 Essential Things to Look for in a Business Security Camera System

Whether you’re a large-scale company or you operate a small business out of your home office, a security camera system will help you keep your most important assets safe. Some small business owners think only large corporations will be targeted by burglars, but nearly 9% of small businesses experience a burglary in an average year. Intruders target small businesses assuming the security will be minimal.

Installing a security camera system is an important step in keeping out intruders. These are the three most important things for a business to look for in a strong security system:

1. Resolution

A security camera is only helpful with a clear image. You don’t want to cut corners when it comes to resolution. Look for cameras that are able to shoot at 800p or above at least 60 feet. A shorter range can work, but it means you’ll have to place more cameras around your office.

2. Infrared Light

Be sure you choose a camera package with the ability to shoot with infrared. Cameras with this capability are able to record even in very low-lighting as well as in foggy or polluted conditions. The infrared allows the camera to see better than humans. This means no one will be able to take advantage of you at nighttime or on a low-visibility day.

3. Storage Capacity

The amount of storage you’ll need will depend on the system you choose. A low-quality system will require less storage space, but low resolution and minimal cameras also leave you vulnerable. High-resolution cameras require a lot of storage space.

The size of the space you are monitoring will also impact the amount of storage space necessary. More cameras mean more footage that must be stored, so large businesses may need large amounts of storage capacity. The important thing is to check in advance if the storage capacity is sufficient to cover your needs, so you won’t be caught off-guard in the future.

How to Choose the Right Smart Door Lock for Your Home

When adding modern house updates, you have many design options. Some options work with old homes, while others are a better match for newly constructed houses. The smart door lock is becoming a very popular update among many homeowners because of the added convenience of not having to worry about keys.

40% of burglars enter through unlocked doors. They know that many people forget to lock up, which leaves a prime opportunity for robbery. Smart locks let you lock up even after you’ve left for the day. If you’re adding a smart door lock, it can really affect your home’s aesthetic, so it’s important to choose wisely. We’ll help you decide which option is the best match for you and your door.

Lever Smart Lock

The lever style of smart door lock is a stylish option if you don’t mind replacing the doorknob on your door. This style works well with elaborately designed doors because it is less obtrusive than a deadbolt. The dark brown color goes well with dark stained woods. It’s also very secure.

Some people confuse this style of lock with the interior doorknob style locks. Those locks are easy to pick because they are not meant to keep out intruders. The lever lock, which is intended for exterior doors is much more secure.

Deadbolt Lock

This smart door lock is perfect for older homes with beautifully designed, original doorknobs. You can preserve your doorknobs by adding this to your door. Many homeowners want to preserve the original doorknobs on their house because they are a subtle and stylish indicator of the era of the home.

If your home still has original, vintage doorknobs, the deadbolt lock can be installed just above the knob on your front or back door. You’ll enjoy the modern convenience of a smart lock while preserving the historical authenticity in your home.

These 3 Ring Doorbell Camera Videos Will Instantly Brighten Your Day

Who knew that a device invented for convenience and home security would lead to so many heartwarming and hilarious moments? These three stories are so delightful, they’ll make you wish you had a ring doorbell camera on your own home. Check out the following stories!

1. A Sweet Father-Son Moment

Every parent knows it can be hard to be away from your kids. This adorable moment takes place when a boy wants to ask his dad how to turn on the TV, so he calls him using the doorbell! The boy makes sure to tell his dad how much he loves him before the conversation is over! So cute! Definitely a 21st-century kid!

2. The Cutest Puppy Trying To Get In The House

Have you ever wished you had a camera ready for those moments when your pet is being adorable? A Washington family’s sweet, little golden retriever snuck out of his home one night. He uses the doorbell to try to alert his owners that he needs help getting back in! The doorbell camera records the whole thing. Poor guy! Check out the video here!

3. The Funniest Family Moment Caught on Ring Doorbell Camera

When your brother-in-law accidentally tries to get into the wrong house, and the police show up, you know you’ll never let him live that down. Luckily, in this case, there was a video recording. The Ring Video Doorbell lets you record the best moments, so you can relive them over and over again. Watch this hilarious video here!

The Best Home Security Camera Has These 3 Features

No home security system is complete with security cameras. Surveillance cameras are able to reduce crime significantly in homes. Everyone has different needs when it comes to home security, but while searching for the best home security camera, everyone should pay attention to these three features.

1. Wide Range of Vision

The best home security camera will never leave you vulnerable to blind spots. Skilled burglars know how to sneak past cameras by hiding in corners. When you’re deciding between different camera options, you’ll want to choose a camera with a 140-degree range of motion or higher.

If you prefer a camera with a smaller range of vision because you like its size or the price tag, try implementing cameras in strategic places so every blind spot is covered. A security system that is easy to bypass is nearly as dangerous as having no security system at all.

2. Two-Way Audio

Many cameras provide excellent images and a wide range of vision, but they lack audio. To get the most out of your investment in a security camera, look for the two-way audio feature. This not only allows you to more easily identify intruders with voice recordings, but you can also deter package thieves or communicate with kids while at home.

The two-way talk feature is especially important if an intruder enters the house while kids are present. A face-to-face confrontation between an intruder and a child is one of the scariest imaginable circumstances for most parents.

If an intruder enters the house while your children are home, but you are not, you can fool a burglar into thinking an adult is present by speaking through your security camera. Burglars will typically run at the first sign of being caught. These cameras are the easiest way to keep your family safe.

3. Image Quality

One of the most important qualities in your security system is having a camera with excellent image quality. While searching for the best home security camera, you should really only look at cameras with recording ability of 1080 pixels HD resolution or better.

A few of the most popular cameras record at 780 pixels. While these cameras are still helpful because they can scare thieves away, the image is often too blurry to identify an intruder that does enter your house. Be sure to look into the image quality during the night as well. Many break-ins occur after the sun goes down. You want your camera to catch intruders at any time.

Can Smart Lights Cure Your Insomnia?


If you’re feeling exhausted from multiple bad nights of sleep in a row, you’re not alone. Around 60 million people in American suffer from insomnia. Artificial lighting is one of the most common causes of sleep trouble because it messes with the sleep patterns that humans are naturally accustomed to. You can decrease the amount of artificial light you are exposed to by installing smart lights. You’ll start quickly start getting better sleep.

Dim Your Smart Lights

Smart lighting systems allow you to dim the lights in your home using just an app. To help with your insomnia, you should take advantage of this feature, especially in the evening. Hundreds of years ago, humans knew it was time to go to sleep when the sun went down. In our modern society, we see just as much light at night as we do in the day. This confuses our bodies and keeps us from falling asleep when we want to.

The less artificial light we expose our bodies to, the better for our sleep schedule. By dimming your lights, you are minimizing the harm done by that electric light exposure. Dimming your lights throughout the day is good for your body, but it’s most important in the few hours before you go to sleep.

Set a Schedule

Our bodies function on a schedule, and now the lighting in your house can too. Most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep, but even when you get that, it’s hard to feel rested when you wake up in the pitch black. With a smart light system, you can schedule your lights to slowly turn on in the morning. This simulates the experience of waking up to then natural sunlight.

You can also set a timer in the evening when you’re ready to dim the lights. This way, if you forget to decrease the artificial light at night, your lights can do it for you. Although the invention of modern lighting messed with our sleep schedules, the invention of smart lighting just might save them.