Best Places to Put Home Security Cameras


All home security devices serve a purpose. A home alarm system is the foundation of home security and necessary to make sure that your home is completely secured. But if you want to be able to fully monitor your home, adding exterior security cameras is a great idea. You’ll just want to make sure that you’re putting them in the right places. You will also want to make sure you have just enough to secure your home without overloading your WiFi and spending unnecessary money. Here are the best places to use exterior security cameras and the best types for each location.


Your Front Door

A Ring Video doorbell is a two-for-one device for home security systems. Not only do you get the benefit of smart home automation, but you also get security. These video doorbells monitor everything that happens in front of your main door and you will be notified immediately of any activity. Additionally, you can dismiss any unwanted visitors with the two-way talk feature. The two-way talk feature also gives the appearance that someone’s home, which is great for people who are often away. If you have children, there’s no need to worry about them having to answer the door for a stranger.


Side and Rear Doors

Ring’s exterior cameras are advanced enough to have almost all of the same features as the Ring Video Doorbell. Like the Ring Video Doorbell, they are even equipped with two-way talk. This makes it easy to scare off any suspicious person who activates the motion detector. These cameras are perfect for back and side doors.

Exterior cameras are also popular for detached sheds and garages. These locations usually store expensive equipment and need more security than basic door sensors.


Lastly, arming every angle of your home requires that your Internet speed is capable of handling multiple cameras. Before you set up several wireless cameras, check with your home security expert to make sure your internet has the ability to support the setup you’re wanting.




How to Keep Your Presents and Packages Secure This Holiday Season

The holiday season is quickly approaching–and for some, it’s already arrived. But whether you’re a pre-Thanksgiving Christmas caroler or waiting until December to put up your decorations, there’s one thing we have in common. We all want to secure the presents we worked so hard to buy. Luckily, home security does a pretty good job of keeping our belongings safe inside our home. But what about the packages we get delivered? Leaving them on the porch until you’re able to bring them inside leaves them susceptible to theft. Setting your home up with exterior security cameras is a good place to start.


Ring Video Doorbell

Video doorbells are now considered the first line of defense in home security. The mere presence of a security system is enough to deter robbers, making these devices a popular choice for homeowners. Everyone who approaches your home captured in high-definition. This gives you better control in monitoring your own home and aware of any suspicious activity.


Exterior Cameras

If you’re monitoring your front door, it’s also wise to monitor your rear and side doors as well. These doors are also popular points of entry for burglars because of their limited street view. Arming these doors with exterior security cameras provides the same protection the video doorbell does, giving you extra peace of mind.


Home Security System

Hopefully, if you’ve armed your home with exterior security cameras, you haven’t forgotten your whole-home alarm system. There isn’t anything better to stop a burglar in his tracks. Even though exterior cameras are great for monitoring your home, a burglar can still enter your home and take your belongings without you knowing right away. An alarm system is the only way to guarantee that anyone who enters your home will alert the proper authorities.


Don’t take chances with your belongings this holiday season. Arm your home with exterior security cameras and a whole-home alarm system to keep your packages safe–indoors and out.

Home Security and the Integration of Smart Home Devices


Comparing home security now to the home security grandma used to have is comparing apples to oranges. Sophisticated and technologically-stocked, homes security these days is the descendant of unattractive, simple systems of generations past. These days, home security does more than monitor home intrusions. Now, the integration of smart home devices gives you the power to fully monitor your own home. If you haven’t looked into home security in recent years, there are big changes you might’ve missed.


Integration With Smart Home Devices for Automation

Modern home security systems are much more multi-faceted than their older counterparts. The sole purpose of older systems was to secure a home. New systems can connect with a wide range of smart devices to link home automation with your security system to make your home easy to monitor and protect all from one system. Energy-saving devices like smart thermostats and smart light bulbs give you a way to automate your home and save money. With smart thermostats, you can program your home to be the perfect temperature year-round. Program your light bulbs to turn off when you’re usually in bed, or when you leave for work for extra convenience.


Integration With Smart Home Devices for Additional Security

Not only can you add smart devices to your home security system to make life a little easier. There are smart devices that offer additional safety features than the ones included in a basic smart home security system.

You can utilize smart smoke detectors and smart carbon monoxide detectors to monitor your home and family’s safety, especially when you’re away. You won’t have to wait for your neighbors to see smoke billowing from your house before the fire department is called. As soon as a fire or carbon monoxide is detected, you and the fire department will be notified. This prevents a bad situation from becoming completely disastrous.

Video doorbells also have the benefit of being convenient as well as safe. When they recognize motion, you’ll be notified and a clip of whoever is at your doorstep is recorded. You can use Ring’s two-way talk to give the impression that you’re home and to dismiss any unwanted visitors. Additionally, just having a smart doorbell is a way for people to know that you are protecting your home. Criminals have admitted that the presence of home security is enough to prevent criminals from breaking into a home. And now that the holiday season is here, you can use a video doorbell as an extra step to deter package thefts.


Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Is Your Home Protected This Winter?


Use Smart Home Security to Protect Your Greatest Asset

Winter is here and if you’re in a northern state, you’ve probably started taking some steps to winterize your home. But you may have missed a couple of key steps to making your home completely free of costly accidents. As we go deeper into winter, your home and assets are at greater risk of being impacted by freezing temperatures. Luckily, these 2 smart home security devices have you covered.


1. Smart Thermostat

Heating a house is expensive and we all want to save where we can. When people leave their houses in the winter, they have to take steps to keep their pipes from freezing. But the Nest Learning Thermostat makes leaving your house in the winter much more cost-effective. You can program your heater to be low on days that it’ll be warm. And you can bump it up on the days when you know it’s going to be below freezing. Additionally, you can turn up your heat on the way home so you come home to a warm house. 

And if you’re the forgetful type, you’ll never have to wonder whether you remembered to turn the heat up in the first place. Coming home to a flood from burst pipes is the last thing you want on vacation. Smart home security enables you to check your home’s temperature from anywhere, right from your phone.


2. Floor Sensor

In the unfortunate instance that you forget to turn your heat up and do have an incident with a burst pipe, there are at least some ways you can prevent a bad situation from becoming completely disastrous. While flood sensors are typically used in homes where there might be a faulty toilet or old pipes, they can be used as a backup sensor for homes in cold climates as well. If your home floods because of a burst pipe while you’re out of town, you’ll get a notification and be able to send someone over right away to take care of the situation. 


If you’re looking for unconventional ways to winterize your home, look into either of the two smart products above. When you bundle them with a smart home security system, you can be sure that your home is protected from the inside out.